Any East Tennessee knife knuts?


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998
Do any forumites live around East Tennessee besides me? I notice that forumites in other geographical locations are getting together and thought we could too.
Well, I am an East Tennessean in midwestern exile, does that count?

Born and raised in Kingsport, TN and moved to IN to attend college in 1991. Been here ever since, working, and desperately wanting to leave and go back somewhere with Mountains!

Where do you live, Shootist16?

Headed back down Appalachian way for Memorial Day (always a good weekend to leave Indianapolis).

Take care,


Clay Fleischer

"My redneck past is nipping at my heels..." -BF5
Double post... My apologies...

[This message has been edited by CD Fleischer (edited 25 May 1999).]
Guilty as charged! Knoxville here
East Tennesseean by God, Birth, and Choice!

Except for about 2 years, Knoxville's always been home. I'd definitely be interested if we can round up a few more folks.

I live and work in Knoxville. I would love to do some kind of get together.
I am from Chattanooga originally and live in Atlanta now. I sure hope you folks are making the trip to the Blade Show. Short drive to achieve Knife Nervana.
I'm a proud North Carolinian, but lived in Johnson City for a few years while growing up. Does that count?

Hey CD - there used to be a restaurant in Kingsport named Scoby's World. Is that thing still around?


Deo Vindice

[This message has been edited by Senator (edited 25 May 1999).]

Yep. Scoby's is still, there, as of last time I visited. Right there on Konnarock road near the big "E" (Eastman Chemical Company). Went there for my junior prom! Wow. That seems like eons ago.

Where do you live in NC? Over the holiday weekend my SO and I are picking up a friend in Winston Salem and headed out to Wilmington. We are going to hit Kingsport on the way back.

Ever go to Bays Mt. Park while in East Tenn? Roan Mt.?


Clay Fleischer

"My redneck past is nipping at my heels..." -BF5
Clay - I live in Charlotte, about 90 minutes south of Winston-Salem. I was born in W-S, and your friendly local Knife Reviews Forum moderator (Dexter) currently lives there.

This is race weekend down here. The NASCAR boys will be tearing up the track (GO 24!). I'll be spending a good portion of the w/e at the track.

I've been to Roan Mt., but remember nothing about it. I was in elementary school, and to be perfectly honest, my younger partying days have sapped a lot of my memory.
I do remember a great pizza joint in JC though - Greg's Pizza had the best stuff around.

Have a great trip.


Deo Vindice
