Any excuse is a good excuse...

Jan 9, 1999
So I'm moving into a new apartment (woo hoo, no need to share my towels!) and I've realized I need to get some kitchen I'm trying to narrow down my choices.

As you can imagine, as a knife nut, I want something sharp, functional, and pleasing to the eye. I've seen some of Forschner's Victorinox kitchen knives...and I've seen the nice blades that Spyderco has to offer.

Anyone have any other suggestions?
Get the Spyderco 6 1/2 inch kitchen utility. It is sharper than hell and can cut paper thin tomato slices. It is also great for bread, bagels, meat and fruit. If you can afford get a forged 8 or 10 inch french chefs knife by Henkels, Wustoff, or Sabatier. The stainless are almost as good as the carbon with a lot less worry about corrosion. If price is a problem the Forschners are very good for the money as is the Spyderco Santoku. Start with these two and add to as needed.

who dares, wins

If you want good kitchen knives that look good as well, check out Global knives. These puppies are SHARP!

IMHO do yourself a big favor and buy the Spyderco Kitchen knives. They are the best ones I've ever owned. Bought them for my mom for cristmas and they have been used alot since then and they still are super sharp.

I have a Santuko and it is a wonderful knife. Another Spyderco that shines in the kitchen is the Moran; talk about your thin tomato slices!!! Actually, as James Mattis has frequently pointed out, most of our tactical sharp stuff, despite the tough snarly looks, will do quite nicely in the kitchen. Which sounds like all the justification you need to buy an extra Sebenza for dicing celery; a Krait for carrots...
you get the idea.
With kitchen knives there is only one way to go(other than custom) is Henckels. And make sure its the two man version

Edge geometry, edge geometry, edge geometry! Did I say that enough times?

Even in the depths of the tac knife daze that I forgetfully wander into from time to time, I never forget the wisdom I've learned from Joe Talmadge, Mike Swaim (mps), and Steve Harvey, among others, that the thinnest edge has the best "cut-through" ability.

That same line of reasoning holds in spades for cutting any sort of firm objects that resist the "wedging in" of a knife blade. You'll encounter these firm objects in the kitchen everywhere, potatoes, onions, apples to name a few. So, the best kitchen knives for me are the thinnest ones with good edge geometry, but still retain enough thickness to be rigid, and are easy to maintain, at the most reasonable price.

Here's what handles most of my kitchen chores.

An 8" Victorinox/Forschner chefs knife. At the heel/tang of the blade, the width is a shade over 5 cm, and the thickness at the spine is 2.0 mm. Since this knife is flat-ground all the way from the spine, the edge is frightfully thin, and this baby slips right through most veggies. Since the cut-through qualities are so strong due to the thin edge, I've dispensed with Joe Talmadge's suggestion of polishing the edge for the best push-cutting, and instead sharpened the knife on the coarsest stone I could find.


A knife that has incredible cut-through effectiveness by virtue of a thin edge, and great slicing capability (ripe tomatoes anyone?) because of the rough edge. It uses some soft stainless steel that has never spotted with rust (high chromium), but is soft enough to stay very sharp just by steeling. Total cost: $30 Cdn, so approximately $20 US

A Carbon Steel Chinese cleaver, from Chinatown, with a blade 21 cm long, 9 cm wide, and blade thickness 3 mm at the spine. This baby flat-out cuts! In fact, I'm willing to wager that this cleaver will outcut just about any knife in your kitchen. The reason for this is the paper thin blade as it tapers down to the edge. At 1 cm up from the actual cutting edge, the blade thickness is about 0.3 mm. At 2 cm up, the blade thickness is still 0.3 mm. At 3-4 cm up, the blade thickness is 0.5 mm. Only past 5 cm up past the cutting edge does the blade thicken to 1 mm. Compare THAT to your average kitchen or folding knife! Note: These cleavers look to be hand-forged as my sample has many hammering marks. I had to search through 5-10 cleavers before I found one this thin. It is also capable of taking a coarse edge, but I find slicing with a cleaver to be cumbersome, so the coarse edge really isn't that beneficial. Total cost: $10 Cdn, or $6.66 US.

Edge geometry is what determines cutting efficiency. I beleive that on the hard materials found in a kitchen, a thin knife with a duller edge will still have greater cut-through ability versus a polished, shaving sharp edge on a thicker knife, due to encountering less resistance when wedging through the hard medium. The Victorinox, and Chinese cleaver have the edge geometry, and because of their softness are easily made sharp with a stone, and kept that way using a steel.

At these sorts of prices, they're well worth a shot. Try 'em, you might pass on the Henckels.


[This message has been edited by Protein (edited 01 April 1999).]
O.k. Protein, I will admit that right next to my Henckels there is a chinese veg cleaver, and probably the cheapest but most used kitchen knife I ever bought, BUT THAT'S IT

For kitchen knives there is only one way to go..


Sorry, it's april fools day (incidentally my fathers birthday
) i had to try.

Personally i like Wustof Tridents the best their paring knife is the coolest knife i've ever held. The little feather.

I would recommend that you do what forumites normally do. Check the steels and the results of those steels.

Spyderco kitchen knives are made from MBS-26. If you've got something that will beat MBS-26 in taking and edge, keeping an edge, corrosion resistance and being sharp when new. I would like to know with what. I'd like to buy some.
I picked up a Henckel's "Pro S" chinese cleaver while trapped in a hotel in Georgia without kitchen knives (okay - they did have some formerly serrated paper thin mystery knives). For $40 or $50 retail at a major mall, I think I got a descent bang for my buck. That knife is wonderful to use in the kitchen when making stews and similar things. If you can find a good cheap one somewhere, buy it!

Spyderco makes great knives for the kitchen. The only problem encountered by most people is finding them at a retail store - online you should be in good shape.

Victorinox/Forschner have a huge number of variations that can make picking one out and differentiating them a little tough for a newbie. They make good knives at a fair price and can be found more readily in retail markets.

Hell, I use my SOG Northest Ranger to clean meat and as my kitchen knife when I camp. I use Henckels Professional-S at home. They work great. -Krumbs
As a professional chef, I swear by Wustoff Trident. I personally use a 10" Grand Prix and it has been a fantastic knife. The Forschners are also a great knife for a stamped blade, but I prefer a good forged knife. One good thing to know about using a knife in a kitchen is that you must put it on the steel after every 5 or 10 minutes of use. This will keep the edge centered and actually keep the knife's edge longer. Some people think that the steel sharpens the blade but it only aligns it. The only steels that sharpen are the diamond ones, but they WILL wear out your knife prematurely if used too often. Also, learn proper technique. A good book for beginers is; The Profesional Chef's Knife -published by The Culinary Intitute of America. For more advanced cooks, try Chinese Appetizers and Garnishes- published by Wei-Chuan Publishing. This book is amazing! I see something new everytime I look at it and I have had it for almost three years. True Art!!
Hope this helps, Joe "Chef to the Stars" Rosenthal

Rock On!

Sal: I noticed that you had a kind of Stainless D2 listed on your site. How is that on edge holding?
