Any Gorkha soldiers in Iraq?

Dec 1, 1999
Does anyone know if any Gorkha soldiers were in Iraq? I think they would kick A@#! Especially in hand to hand combat!
If that news is true, I hope one of the dummies makes a grab for a khuk. I'm betting he'd wind up wearing it in a very uncomfortable place.:D
I doubt that one of the Nepali's would lit one of the prisnors get that close and especially behind him. I he had cause to pull that blade I'm sure it might be curtains for some one.:)
Daily Telegraph (Australia)

quote from article:
'Wearing his kukri, the blade he is entitled to carry as a Gurkha commander, Lt-Col Collins said: "We go to liberate not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their country.

"We are entering Iraq to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Show respect for them.

"There are some who are alive at this moment who will not be alive shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send. As for the others I expect you to rock their world.

"Wipe them out if that is what they choose. But if you are ferocious in battle, remember to be magnanimous in victory.

"It is a big step to take another human life. I know of men who have taken life needlessly in other conflicts. I can assure you they live with the mark of Cain upon them.

"If someone surrenders to you then remember they have that right in international law and ensure that one day they go home to their family. The ones who wish to fight, well, we aim to please."
A friend of mine in a Marine engginering unit was training in Saud a week ago and saw two british troops with a funny knife like his. He thought they were a bit dark an small and wondered were they came from. They said they were from Nepal and they shared luch and compared their blades to his. He carries a 15 inch Ak by Bura with the brass tip ripped off. Their blades were their own and not issue. He was very impressed by their size and feel. Their blades were 18-19 inches long with a much thinner blade so the whole blade seemed lighter and quicker then his. He wanted to know if he can get one like theirs and I said I would see after he got back.

My friend was in Iraq the first day of the attack. I wish them all well and a fast return.