Any hints on what is going to replace E series?


Gold Member
Sep 11, 1999
It's been a while since the announcement was made that the E series knives. (I didn't make that up, did I?) Any hints as to what they will be like? Will they have sheephorn handles? :eek: (Sorry about that. My allergies make me ornery.)
my lips are sealed, however, you know who Pee Wee Herman is (read: ergo line) and of course you know who Arnold is (read: replacement line).

Enough said?
Originally posted by contender
my lips are sealed, however, you know who Pee Wee Herman is (read: ergo line) and of course you know who Arnold is (read: replacement line).

Enough said?

Yep, enough said Marc!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Bring it on baby!

5/16" of INFI - is that where Arnold's muscles come from?

The M203 will be included with every Busse, I suppose?

A fine package. Very convenient. :D

Ich bin gespannt.


??? = something between 'curious about it' and 'full of expectation'.

gundy, you're welcome.


...if the new models will make the e-series Battle Mistress' look like PeeWee, then I have got to have one!!!

Just last weekend I was using one to literally cut through an old wood chair that I was throwing away, clear out a bunch of branches from a tree in my front yard, dig out rocks around the flower bed in the backyard, and just hack at a bunch of boxes that needed to be reduced in size for a big garbage dump... needless to say those tasks just made the Mistress laugh and beg for more!!!

I love those knives