Any idea when my Busse was made?

Mar 18, 1999
I thought I got my Battle Mistress when they first came out, but there are so many variations. Here's the details on it:
Straight Handle, with no grooves.
Slotted handle screws
Clip point is flat on top, but ground on the sides from about 3" back from the tip.
Smooth black coating.
Anyone have an idea where it falls in the BM lineage?
It sounds like one of the first 300 made.
I would guess around 97 for the year.
You're in good hands with 1WB's, if he isn't right then I'm sure DN will be along to correct him. :D:D

DN, you out there? :D
The year sounds about right. I ordered one as soon as I saw an ad in TK way back when. I already owned an A2 Steel Heart 2 and Mean Street (Wish I still had those!) and knew I wanted something bigger. I also wanted to try out this mysterious INFI steel ;) I've owned a ton of big custom choppers, but this is still my favorite.
Geez, a guy can't even take an early evening nap around here :)

Yeah I would say '97 or early '98. The blade configuration type that you specified is very important in dating. There were a few styles of false edges from those wonderful early years. One was an honest to god false edge grind, and the other as you mentioned is flat on top with a partial grind. Since the handle is smooth micarta I definately wouldn't put it past '98.

Sounds like a beauty any chance we can see some pics? :)
Ok, since I'm awake anyways thought I'd take a quick pic for everyone. Remember it is 03:30. I can barely take pics when I'm filled with Mountain Dew, this early ya never know what you'll get ;)
Man do those three blades look cooool! Kinda like the gun barrels on the Battleship New Jersey.
Ok, now I've got a question of my own. :D (hey I'm not the BM expert around here :D)

Did any of them have a sharpened top edge, I know some of the variants did but did any of the production run? If so, I've not seen any pics of those.
Thanks for the help DN. Mine looks like the one in the middle. I wish I could post a pic. I used to have one like the one on the left as well, with the clip unground, but sold it a while back. If I only knew what straight handles would be worth some day!

Yep, from what I've heard there were a few that made it out with sharpened false edges. You haven't seen them because that information seems to be part truth and part myth, lol :)

Hey look at it this way. Until three months ago I was about ready to declare the collector's edition Mistress a fairytale, then one popped up. Now look at 1whobuys's Mistress, that thing is gorgeous with the INFI logo, who ever knew about that? :) I think a Mistress with a sharpened upper edge will turn up, just a matter of time....

tknife, no problem my friend, I love Battle Mistresses if you couldn't tell ;) :D
I think there were about 30 or so that ended up with a sharpened faulse edge.

Would you guys like to see 12 of them?;) :D
LOL, Yeah, I would like to see 12, however, I'm sure pics don't do them justice. You can send them down to me, I'll even pay postage ;):D:D