Any Pena Mula X Series Reviews?

Nov 17, 2021
I saw this drop happen a few weeks ago and at the time it didn't catch my eye too much, now I am wishing I grabbed one. I am hooked on the look and front flip - thumb stud combo. There are a few on ebay, marked up of course and I am seriously considering grabbing one of the micarta versions. Before I do is there anyone that has had one with an honest review? What is a decent price on the secondary market for one nib? I have heard bad things about the clips too - any suggestions on that? I am between the mula or a Hinderer Non flipper..
I have heard a lot of good things about the Mula. Never owned one, but I have owned multiple x-series models and they were very well made. I believe they are made by Reate, so that's no surprise as I've never heard a negative review of anything they make. I'd caution paying too high on the secondary. They pop up on various forums' weekly and are always basically unused and usually below table price. Between that and the Hinderer non-flipper though I'd personally choose the hinderer.
Thanks for the reply. The Hinderer I was chasing ended up getting away from me so I did grab the mula. I have heard great things about reate and am excited to see what they are all about. Not happy it is Chinese made but quality is quality. I did overpay alittle but not too bad to complain about, I missed out on 3 on various forums over the course of 48 hours so I paid the extra just to lock one in. Hinderer Non flipper is still high on my grab list. Out of the X series you have owned what was your favorite? If the mula is good I will keep my eyes open for more x's
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I bought one during the drop, Brown micarta. I don’t know why, I have too many knives. I’ll probably list it for sale soon.

I owned one before that I used, they are a great size for EDC. All around great knife.
bought one during the drop, Brown micarta. I don’t know why, I have too many knives

AIways saying I have too many knifes and then buying more, it is a sick Addiction, I know how you feel. Always saying i will liquidate some and not..I'm looking for a nice user that isn't totally going to break the bank..then more..and more...
Good looking knife. I haven't handled one but it's on my list. For reviews, go to Youtube and search for Pena Mula. I know there are at least 3-4.
Can you guys tell me where they dropped at? I've been dying to get one and everytime I find one on the secondary it's the sheepsfoot blade. I really want a drop point
I have seen some pop up on the sale forums but they all go pretty fast, the newest drop had a slightly larger blade and front flipper + thumb stud that struck my intrest. Of course there are some on ebay with some fools charging a good mark up. Cranes Cuttlery had some with really nice inlays. Sat and watched the drop happen and them all sell out and wished I would have got in on it. Seems like they do drops every 3 or 4 months. Goto the Pena site and sign up for notifications , watch the forums, or pay too much on ebay like I did. Good luck!
Yeah I had no idea they had a flipper thumb stud version, and the slightly larger size would've been perfect. I wish I had known about them. I sure as hell aint getting one off the secondary if they're anything above new price. Almost scored a trade for one yesterday but it ended up being the sheepsfoot blade. Rats I said.
Keep that search game strong and I bet you will find one, I saw a few come thru the forums at good prices that I totally missed after being posted for like 5 mins, sounds like you know what your looking for..if you see a good deal, confirm blade size and flip ability, there are subtle differences between the release models on these.
I for sure will, yeah they don't last long and I know it's for good reason. That's one thing I realized lately is that not all models are the same which I didn't know before so that'll make this more fun lol
Your right- it does make it more fun!! Sounds like you have your eye out for the right one, the sheepsfoot blade is smaller and does not have the front flipper jimping, the new drop points are awesome looking with within 3.25 blade and is what started the search for me in the first place. If I see one come up I will post a heads up in this thread..happy hunting for all things knife
The drop point has always just been a favorite of mine and more attractive to me, so of course it's harder to get 😂. But thanks a lot! I signed up for their email list so fingers crossed the future will be kind.