Any reviews of the Brend fighting hatchet?

Sep 25, 2001
The subject says it all. Looking for a review of the brend fighting hatchet, namely how it actully works. Looking to buy the econimcal (forgive spelling) version. Going to use it as a working hawk.

Thanks in advance
I am really interested in this too... will it hold up against some of the more tactical hawks... how tough is this guy????
I have plenty of thoughts to share, but would like to hear from some customers before I spew my thoughts. ;)
I am on my way out the door, but if you will do a search I know that I have written in a few times about my Brend. If you don't want to do that then let me say this: I have done a fair amount of chopping and it preformed well to be so light in the head. To me, the real fun of the Brend is as a thrower. It's unreal the amount of throws mine has seen. Also, if you ever had too, I think you could kick some ass with this thing. Even with no training, I think I could do OK. Just raw aggression, the will to win and this tool will go a LONG way. What ever you want it for, my guess is that it can handle it. It's kind of a "do all". It might not do one task as well as something else but it can do ALL tasks you might ask of it. Just my 2 cents.