anybody have pics of their collection

My Chris Reeve far. :)

My count of Dozier knives is now 53, I am still looking for a belt that fits well enough that I can carry all at once.


what make is the one in the bottom right corner
by the way nice collection of varying knives

what make is the one in the bottom right corner
by the way nice collection of varying knives

the one with the large black handle is a gerber 650 Gator or the very bottom right one with the pocket clip is a weatherman E306X
Got a bit bored this morning and pulled out all the knives from their SpyderPacs and snapped a couple pics.....

Here's my Spyderco and Byrd knives:


These are Boker, Benchmade, Cold Steel, SOG, Al Mar, CRKT and Kershaw:


The knives in the top row here are all my chinese knives Sanrenmu/Bee/Enlan/Navy/Ganzo. The second row are auto knives, mostly inexpensive. The bottom knives are ones that I only have one of... Buck, Warren Thomas/Beretta, Schrade, Mercator, and Timberline.


I've also gat a a bunch of cheap assisted knives that aren't worth taking a pic of that I just haven't given away yet.
Well Im working on it. More in the mail, 1,000's more on the want list, 10's of 20's lost.

Well Im working on it. More in the mail, 1,000's more on the want list, 10's of 20's lost.

Great looking collection with small and medium sized knives. My favorite. Thanks for sharing.
CrisOK and Laurg. I'm wondering if you've ever used a small fraction of such a valuable collection.
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Not a very good collection but wanted to show off my new chest, I guess I will have to focus on the collection now.


