Anybody heard of NAIS?

Dec 5, 1998
Hope I got the link right.

All livestock must be registered with the feds and a tracking device attached to them. Supposedly this would control disease and protect the public. It will actually give huge factory farms(the very persons responsible for mass outbreaks of disease in the first place) a monopoly on the meat industry. Anybody wishing to raise livestock for personal use is a criminal. Scares the living shit out of me.

This kinda seems like the death knell for rural living. Deprive countryfolk from eating and forcing them back to the cities where they can eat Big Macs and be under the watchful eye of big brother.
May want to contact your local and federal representatives on this one.
I tried the link and it didn't work. Will try again.

OK- got it now. I'll ask the local ranchers what they think.

If it's good for cattle, it's better for people, you know. Best laid plans of mice and men.

You might already have a tracking device or two. Quick, check your keychain. Is there a little card or tag with a bar code on one side and the name of a supermarket on the other?
Sutcliffe said:
Anybody heard of NAIS?

Hope I got the link right.

Yup.:( :mad:
Our kids was telling us about this New Years Day. I sent out a petition asking my friends to sign.
This could not only stop the good ol' boy from raising a beef cow for himself and his family for consumption but also every pet owner in the USA.:grumpy: Then you'll have to notify the damned gubbiment every time you transport you animal for whatever purpose.:thumbdn: :( :mad:

I'm reasonably sure that the website for the petition against NAIS could be Googled. I'd post it here but I don't think it would be proper for me to do so.
I don't have the copy of the petition right at the moment but I can have it before the day is over if anyone wants to sign it.
If so just email me and I'll ask my daughter to send it to me again.
The idea is to be able to track animals to help control disease outbreaks, especially since the Scrapie, CJD, CWD thing.

My objection to the whole thing pretty much is there is not really any help with cost for the small herd owner. Also for instance in all the years they have kept stats for goats only 7 goats have ever had it and I think all, or the vast majority have been penned with sheep so for the incidence of it in that population I think that the measures are an uneeded expense.

Also althought I have not followed the research super closely, I think there is still a lot of abiguity over the means of transmission. And at least in sheep there is a strong genetic component. Suffolk are the most susceptible. Used to be if they traced it back to a specific herd they would kill them all, and even the progeny in other herds to, at least partially do in that particular genetic strain of animals.

On the other hand like most other gov't programs there are not really enough inspectors to be able to enforce the program so people will still raise livestock without going thru the hoops since there's nobody out there really keeping track.

I believe a large % age had to do with animal products being used in feed for ruminants. They banned that which I think is a good thing. I always thought it was unnatural reading my goat food label that they used animal protein in a vegetarian animal's feed.

I think the incidence of CWD in deer might be traced to the deer eating dog food, which has a lot of corn.

Also if a farm has say dogs, chickens and hogs, those feeds can still contain animal protein and as long as those feeds have animal parts then there's always a chance of the ruminants eating some of that stuff.
This topic (N.A.I.S.) has been all over the "doomer" and survivalist message boards for a couple of weeks now. The concensus is that this program is really a ramp-up and beta testing for a universal people-tracking system.
Christians see it as a precursor to "The Mark of the Beast". Most everyone sees it as the death knell of the smalltime meat producer since no meat animal could be processed unless it had an RFID chip.
In the near term, this program would allow the government total control of all protien foodstuffs in the nation. Also it would give the major meat producers a stranglehold on the market. (Kinda reminds you of the 19th century's meatpacking trust doesn't it?) And it would be a major windfall for the corporations who make and market the chips, scanners and related hardware. Funny thing....almost the only public input that the Dept. of Agriculture has allowed has come from the meat-packing industry and the chip makers.
Hollowdweller is correct. There will never be enough goverment inspectors to fully implement this program. But the beauty of this scheme, from the government's point of view, is that this can largely be done with satellites, roadside scanners and a survallence system similar to the NSA's Echelon.
Once these systems are in place and the nation's estimated 230 million domestic animals are "chipped"; we'll just be one "unifying event" (think 9/11) from...well.....

munk said:
If it's good for cattle, it's better for people, you know. Best laid plans of mice and men.......

Thanks, Munk, once again you've got it exactly right

That sounds just ridiculous enough to be true . Man and I thought one day to just have a coupla chickens or gobblers . Seems like all the turkeys aint on the farms ! I wonder how they,d feel if we tatoo,ed their butts .
( " Warning , Politician , do not feed or there.ll be no end to the B:S: they produce ! ) Hey I think I just solved the energy crisis !
There already is a universal tracker system for people, at least in America. When's the last time you dealt with a government agency or hospital or such and they asked for your name before your social security number? (Or even asked for your name at all, for that matter?)

I'm hardly a private person - hell, I post under my real name and I've provided satellite maps of my home here once, but even I find the thought of being a number a bit disturbing. I like being Dave. I don't like being xxx-xx-xxxx.
The link takes me to information about a voluntary program and the consideration of a private company maintaining the database. Got a link to plans for a mandatory program?
Thomas Linton said:
The link takes me to information about a voluntary program and the consideration of a private company maintaining the database. Got a link to plans for a mandatory program?

No- I haven't researched it that far yet. I'm pretty certain that mandatory compliance is right around the corner. What's the point of a program if everybody isn't aboard?
hollowdweller said:
As long as you can butcher animals yourself you'd be OK

Yangdu could put RF identifiers in the khukuris so they wouldn't cut meat that was not officially sanctioned.
Sutcliffe said:
No- I haven't researched it that far yet. I'm pretty certain that mandatory compliance is right around the corner. What's the point of a program if everybody isn't aboard?

Brother, I'm not certain about much, except human fraility.

I do remember when the economy was "certainly" going to crash and burn. (The Coming Deflation!) We were certainly going to enter a depression that would make 1929 etc. look like a picnic. People made $zillions (That's a lot for someone from Ohio.) telling us about it -and selling gold, silver, survival shelters, guns, etc. (HK was the No. 1 suggestion.) That was around 1980.

I remember when we were all certainly going to lose all our guns any day. Florida just extended the stand and fight rule to any place you are legally entitled to be. GA is about to follow. The duty to retreat seems headed for the scrapheap in Michigan (!:eek: ), if only in the home.

I remember when Time asked the question in its cover story how our political system would work with only one "real" party. That was 1964 when Johnson won. Surely the GOP could never win an election. Should we amend the Constitution, Time asked, now that the GOP was dead, dead, dead? Maybe a parlimentary system.

The Coming Ice Age (That was about 1978-1981 before the discovery of the coming Warm Age.).

Y2K. More books, guns, survival gear - and drivel. I KNEW the power would not go out - or the telephones. (I distinguish between "think" and "know.") My neighbor bought 8000 rnds. of 30-06 ball and got ready to beat off the hoards from Cleveland -- with a five-shot magazine, bolt action hunting rifle. He has lots of holes in cans to go.

Today, people voluntarily put chips in their pets -- and kids. Government had nothing to do with it. They want to be able to find the lost, strayed, or stolen. Some have GPS locators in their cars - pay extra for it. Some companies put them in their business vehicles. Lots of voluntary programs.

The trick is not to forget about worrying. The truck is knowing how much worry is reasonable and healthy.

Right now there is a thread going at BF where the thesis is that Mad Cow Disease is going to kill us all 'cause the Gov is ignoring the threat and letting cattle wander around with no track kept of them. Then here we are worried that the Gov is 'gonna do something - BUT that it will turn into 1984.

It's 2005.

Be vigilant, Citizens.

No Doomer Porn!
the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

the mark of the beast is the barcode.....
kronckew said:
the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

the mark of the beast is the barcode.....

Be that as it may be , have you ever seen the chicken eggs with the code printed on each individual egg ? I often wondered how they got a printer up there and what poor soul got to change all the ink cartridges ? L:O:L
Kevin the grey said:
Be that as it may be , have you ever seen the chicken eggs with the code printed on each individual egg ? I often wondered how they got a printer up there and what poor soul got to change all the ink cartridges ? L:O:L

LMFatRRAO!!!!:thumbup: :D :D :D :D :thumbup:

Puts a whole new spin on asking someone if they've ever seen an egg factory.;)

Haven't seen individually marked eggs down here but they will no doubt be here soon enough.:(

And the scientists are still talking about the coming ice age.
It seems they're worried about the Gulf Stream shutting down and if it should they are predicting that England will become much like Alaska. IIRC Juneau and London are on the same latitude line.