Anyone EDC’ing the Sheepdog?

Jul 21, 2017
Just got one last week and this thing is a beast. Not sure I can carry it on a regular basis. It’s too murdery. Anyone daily carrying one? Would hate to sell it because I’ve wanted one since they came out but now that it’s in my hand, I’m not too sure about it.
Yeah man, I love the design, but tried and failed to make it work as an edc, found myself selling it. Fiending for the mini version that's coming soon, hopefully they'll make a full ti handle version eventually!
I use it probably twice a week in my rotation. I have different needs than others and I like having a heavy duty knife that can be used both for utility and defense. The Kizer Sheepdog knife has an amazing action and screams quality! I thought I would be the last person around to say that the Chinese can make super high grade blades, but I’ve kept an open mind and Kizer is absolutely among the best producers around. I have probably 5K in folders so I feel confident in saying that Kizer builds an elite knife at a great price.
The knife is a bit heavy for 7 days a week for me, if I’m in workout shorts there are certainly better choices. I live in Texas and it’s rarely cold here but I imagine that carrying all metal handle knife would probably not be the best choice for non gloved hands up North. If you like Medford heavy duty blades, the Sheepdog should work well for you, it’s a very heavy duty knife. I feel like I can pry open car doors with it.
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