Anyone else get their Ronin yet??

My New Year's resolution was to stop wasting money on 2nd day shipping for my knives... What was I thinking???!!!!:confused: I ordered my Ronin this week and won't get it until next Thursday!

I walked into my favorite brick and mortar today and noticed a Spyderdo box behind the counter. I helped my self to it,opened it and gasped: I had heard the stories, but here was one in the flesh.
I said, "Can I buy this?"
"Nope, it's already spoken for"

It was cool and incrediably sharp. Nice job, Spyderco!

Barry H
Don't know what to say, guys. I had placed my order with New Graham some weeks back. I actually forgot about it until it showed up.

I got one for a co-worker, but he was called to military service before the Ronin arrived. Guess I'll have to ship it to him. It's quite nice, though.
Got mine.. #213

I am still trying to find the words to tell Janich I think he's a genius.

The knife itself is great, I don't like the sheath, but then again, I never like the sheath.