Anyone ever felt the need to...


Aug 6, 2004
Go walkabout?

I'm not Australian, but it seems to be a good idea, take time off, relax, walk a thousand miles.. It probably would be therapeutic. Ahhh my senior year..

Just a rant.
I did one when I was 17. It changed my life for the better. I had hardly been out of my small town in Arizona. I hitchhiked through 45 states and hopped a freight train across Canada. At the end of summer I ended up in Alaska. I made it home a week late for school. as I was attending college I returned to Alaska every summer and now make it my home. Thirty some years later I try to spend a few weeks a year on a river to clear my head and get a better perspective on things
When I was 19 I spent 3 months one winter in the Texas hill country near Wimberly doing archaeology on a ranch. I made home and hq'd in a hundred year old line shack that was surrounded by Amerind camps (including a cave). My running water was a creek that ran through the property. Cities were bright spots at night. The nearest electricity was 2 miles up a dirt road (no vehicle). Lot of spirits out there. Very spooky.
I learned a LOT of things. One of which was it CAN be dark enough to walk into the side of a cow... :eek:
I absolutely loved it.
Not the cow, the 'Walden' experience. :)
I'm very ready for a change in my life, in fact I'm starting today. I'm dropping two classes. One is first semester Russian, which I took just for a lark, the other is 4th semester German. Yeah, I could complete it (that is, if I wasn't failing it already) and get that requirememt (for the degree that I don't want and the major I never got around to declaring), but I'm so $#%^ing sick of it. I'll keep the other two classes because these are actually interesting, although unnecessary.

Without these two classes I'll be able to work more and save up some money (gotta stop spending it on knives too). Next semester I'm ditching the university and I'll take some machining classes and a knifemaking class at the community college, and try to become at least a hobbiest knifemaker, and hopefully eventually a professional one.

I'm not gonna go take a break from the world, although it sounds like fun. I've already spent too much time doing sh*t I don't want to do. Time to start enjoying life.

I can always go back to school anyway.
Gott in Himmel Planterz, hort nicht auh zu lernen! Now is the time to learn all you can my friend. Later it gets harder. If every American learned a foreign language we would not be in the international mess we are in now. Kev
And, I think Mark Tawin said, in fifty (maybe different number) years you will regret what you didn't do, more than what you did.
A while back (over 10 yrs ago) I took a chance & chucked my job, sold my car, put my stuff in storage w/ friends/relatives & went to Germany on the this promise of a job working in a shop w/ an old friend (american) and his wife (german). I honestly thought I'd be there a few months max. Just wanted to work on my German & see more of Europe. Five years later I was living in another city, engaged to a wonderful woman, and working for a radio station w/ my own on-air show (in German). Wow. You never know. Get out there & do it.
The sting of a mistake will eventually go away, the sting of regret is forever.
Hey motorcycle loop... Just because you don't got the guts to post it here yourself.. Or mabye you forgot because of that molta you smoked... :eek: :mad: :( :eek: :rolleyes: :) :D

Just Kidding. :D