Anyone familiar/associated with S.E.R.E. training?

Feb 5, 2003
I am somewhat new to this Forum and was just wondering if there is anyone out there familiar with or associated with any S.E.R.E. training? (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape...for those of you not familiar)

I am currently in the process of applying to cross-train into this career field, and am very interested in learning anything that will help me along the way!

My current Section Commander is a former S.E.R.E. Instructor and has been very encouraging and insightful...but it doesn't hurt to gather as much as you can from as many as you can, does it?

If anyone has any info they'd be willing to share, I'm open to any and all suggestions, and would greatly appreciate them.

Thanks for your time.
Thanks volvi...looks like a good site. I've got a ton of other sites saved in my 'favorite' list...never seen this one though.

Thanks again.
Check out
You can also drop me a line. You have a Sere operator at your base, check with your intell or life support shop they know who he is.

Thanks for the info. That's been my #1 source of info during my retraining process.

I had just found out there was an instructor here at Hill just a lil while ago...yet, I haven't contacted him. I've been getting alot of help from my Section Commander since I've gotten back from Korea. He's a former instructor.

So, are you an instructor? If so, how long? I see you're in Alaska..."Cool School?"

Thanks again for the help Jeepn2.
Are you trying to get to the school at the academy? I've been up there a few times when they needed simulators to dispose of that didn't go off. Pretty nice school.