Anyone have a boker anso 67, id love to hear reviews......

I have the knife. First off It looks and feel good in the hand. The blade gets Razor sharp. Problem is for it has some lock rock. I was able to fix this by adding a little bit of JB weld to the stop pin. Now it locks up tight with no front to back play. This is a real problem for me. I think at the price point of that knife it should be solid. I should not have to do anything to that knife.

I do like the knife. I like most of Anso's designs and I am looking forward to the next offering from Boker.
tons of lock rock in mine... i had to bend the lockbar in and now its at about 90% lockup but solid :(
love the knife though :), would i buy another? probably not... can i recommend it? sure, if you really dig the looks and are aware of the inherit problems
New here, got a Boker 67 for xmas from the wife. Love the looks and feel of it, but got a bit of blade play, side to side, up and down, and blade became off center after opening it daily for fun 20x a day for three weeks. I was about to contact Boker about warranty when I decided to do some research and found what I am reading here about the stop pin etc... I decided to tighten the pivot screw a hare to see if this would work, and that did the trick , but , the blade became tight. I backed off just a hare and the blade play is gone and the blade is just about centered, never was completely centered out of the box. It is now just about April and I still flick it open multiple times a day, EDC it every once in a while, I force myself to use it, can't let myself get into safe queens, it is buttery smooth, still sharp and my only complaint it that the lock is a little sticky to disengage from time to time.
Had one of the contoured, black g10. Shaving sharp out of the box. Lock-up was fine and blade was centered- conditions that I specified to the retailer. Biggest pet peeve was the sticky lock-bar- sometimes taking two hands to unset the lock-bar. Was not patient enough to put in the necessary time and amount of graphite or sharpie to break it in; a period which seemed longer than usually compared to other frame-locks.

That being said though...the smooth orange g10 version keeps catching my eye...
I would like to to see the orange one in person..Very limited run but I am just a little gun shy because of the problems with my first one. Your right it is a bit hard to pull the lock bar back. The steel is really nice though and very easy to keep razor sharp. I just picked up the defender lightweight on Ebay for $160 bnib and it is a very nice knife but same as the anso tough to get the lock bar back.
I bought the Orange limited version and there must have been a problem either with the heat buildup during sanding or the G10 middle was darker and exposed, but it looked like a brown blob down the center of the orange scale. Sent it back for replacement BUT the blade was centered with solid lockup and I cannot wait until the pre-screened "perfect" replacement shows up. Pics when it does.
I'm a bit irritated with mine and put a note in the maintenance section with no replies. So far I have had to bend the lock arm to stop verticle play and now in order to stop side-to-side play, I need to tighten it so much that it is not too smooth - and I have to add Loctite. Grrr. I never have a problem with my Spyderco's and they are less expensive. My recent Chockwe is smooth as butter. Great detent but flicks out with one flick of my thumb. Much better fit and finish, which bums me out because I love the look of the 67 so much. I just wish Spyderco made it. This is my first experience with Boker and it has not been a good one.
Ok. Notwithstanding what I wrote above. I completely took my knife apart, cleaned it and re-lubed. I managed to adjust it so I have no blade movement and the blade will flick out with my thumb. So, I am happy now. I do love the look but think at this price point and with Anso's name on it, it should be better. I will keep it because it is so cool looking.
Thats funny..I did the same to mine last night, I just took the whole thing apart scraped the JB weld I added to the stop pin and now the knife opens and closes easy and the frame lock opens with a little push of the thumb.And has zero play front to back and zero play side to side better than new !!
Received the replacement today. Perfect specimen. Solid lockup, centered blade. Couldn't be happier.

Received the replacement today. Perfect specimen. Solid lockup, centered blade. Couldn't be happier.

Sure you could have been happier! For what we pay, and the fancy boxes these things are packed in, it should have been perfect the first time! Seriously! I am fortunate - I have a local knife store that gets the new Bokers - I can look and then decide - at a premium - whether I want one or not. Unfortunately, lately... it's been the latter! Odd how they can still produce the Tree Brand 'Classic' slipjoints - still in Germany - and produce the same quality they always have - for a small fraction of these big buck knives cost. QC lacking?

Sure you could have been happier! For what we pay, and the fancy boxes these things are packed in, it should have been perfect the first time! Seriously! I am fortunate - I have a local knife store that gets the new Bokers - I can look and then decide - at a premium - whether I want one or not. Unfortunately, lately... it's been the latter! Odd how they can still produce the Tree Brand 'Classic' slipjoints - still in Germany - and produce the same quality they always have - for a small fraction of these big buck knives cost. QC lacking?


Good point. Seems the actual QA was done by the retail store before the replacement was sent, but it shouldn't be that way. This is honestly and literally the third Boker I've been happy with regarding fit & function out of 10 Bokers owned thus far (all levels, not just tree brand). I guess I've just come to expect lemons and doing returns until I get a good one. Kind of sad, but with the collaborations and designs they've done recently, I'll keep buying and returning until I get the ones I want. Begg, Anso, CLB, etc. I gotta have 'em.