Anyone have a problem with the Arc-Lock?


Gold Member
Jan 4, 2006
Let me start off by saying that I hope this doesn't look like I'm starting a flame war. But this is sincerely out of curiosity. If people get angry, I'll stop posting in this thread.

I don't know how SOG started using the Arc-Lock and I'm sure this has been discussed before, but it seem almost identical to the axis lock (other than the arc shape). Did SOG get permission from BM to use this? If not, am I the only one who would consider this stealing, or disrespectful at the least? IF and only IF that is the case, then I don't see how it's very different from CS using other people's designs without permission. If I'm missing something, please inform me.
Did you contact the SOG and/or BM Legal depts regarding this. I'm quite sure they could give the LEGAL response.
It`s a great locking design for sure. I don`t know if SOG is stepping on Benchmade`s toes with their design. Depends on how you look at it I guess. Who is getting a check for every manufacturer who uses a liner lock on their knives? I wish I was.

Manufacturing designs are so competative. I wouold think that Benchmade would have filed suit if they thought they were being infringed upon. I`ve been out of the knife loop for a couple of years with my music, but I havn`t heard of any legal suits being filed.

In the end it doesn`t really matter to me as a consumer. I don`t own any SOG knives as they never offer a model that tickles my fancy. I only own one Benchmade with that lock design and will admit it had nothing to do with my purchase. I just wanted a good folder with a D2 blade and the AFCK fit the bill. It just happened to feature that locking mechanism.
