Anyone heard from Mark lately?

Jun 24, 2011
I understand that he is busy with relocating and such, but i havent heard from him in a very long time..
I just chatted with him 2 days ago. He's getting ready to relocate. I don't think he will be online very much until he gets settled in his new place.
Funny you ask/post about this...I was just wondering the same thing last night. I sent him an email and he hasn't responded yet...I just figured he was busy with Blade related things...
I got spam email from Mark this morning! That must mean he is still alive if a virus attacked his mailbox. LOL!
He pretty active on Facebook. I think he now lives in Pierre, SD. He is a corrections officer at a prison there. I don't know his plans around knife making
I got an email a while ago asking for my address. I thought maybe, finally I would be getting my deposit back....nope.
Mark has internet access and has made no attempt to contact me. I assume it's the same for others he owes knives. I don't think there's any reason to not make a formal complaint at this point.
Anyone else see the irony of a criminal working as a corrections officer? If those inmates knew he was a crook they would eat him alive.
yeah this sucks i still have one on order but looks like i wont see it too