Anyone know anything about this Anvil?

Apr 14, 2001
I just bought this 122 lb anvil for $125. I got it from an 80 year old man that said the anvil belonged to his father. The anvil reads:

1 0 10

Any information would be helpful. Thanks -chris



Wow that looks identical to my anvil which was owned by my grandfather. Mine weighs in right at 140 lbs. though and the markings on the side are unreadable now. Even the chipping on the edges of the face look identical to mine which might mean they were made from the same steel and heat teated identically. (or that old anvils like this saw the same hard work and abuse on the farm!) The hardy and pritchel holes are the same too. Let us know what you find out!

Guy Thomas
Mr. Lassiter, the man that I bought the anvil from, said that his father used it all of the time on the farm. He shoed his own horses, and he worked his own plows. I ask him if he had ever done any blacksmithing. He replied that he never learned, but his father sure taught him how to turn a blower.

You can tell by the rounded edges and chips of the anvil that it has seen a lot of work.

By the way, he has an old hand crank blower if anyone is looking for one. -chris

You might look into having a good welder touch up those chipped edges. They make rods that are right for the job and will fill in the blanks. Then carefully grind it back to shape. Don't know if it's worth it to you or not but bear in mind that the smoother and cleaner the surface, the better the finished product will be. Same thing for hammer faces-keep em smooth and clean and round off the edges slightly so as not to leave sharp marks in the work. Have fun!

Peter Atwood

I found out more about this anvil from the Guru page at Here is how it went.....

just bought this 122 lb anvil for $125. I got it from an 80 year old man that said the anvil belonged to his father. The anvil reads:

1 0 10

Anyone know anything about this anvil? Was it a good buy? Thanks -chris

Chris Crawford <> - Thursday, 04/26/01 12:36:33 GMT


If the anvil is in any kind of shape at all, it was an excellent buy.

Sanderson's were forged in Sheffield, England. Postman only has two recorded in the book ANVILS IN AMERICA, so it's pretty rare.

The 1 0 10 indicates the weight in the old english hundred weight system. When new it weighed 122 pounds. Might be a little lighter now, so you paid about a dollar a pound. That's a darn good price, anymore.
Paw Paw Wilson <> - Thursday, 04/26/01 15:09:15 GMT

Thanks Mr. Wilson. Do you have any idea what the date may be? If you would like to see a picture, I have one at:

Thanks -chris
Chris Crawford <> - Thursday, 04/26/01 17:22:19 GMT


Mr. Wilson has to deal with Denise the Menace. While I sometimes think the guru is Denise's stand in, I prefer Paw Paw or Jim. (very large grin)

I can't give you a good date on the Sanderson. Probably sometime after 1850, but that's still 150 year span. Looking at the picture, I have to call it a Modern style anvil. It also looks to be in good, usable condition. Use it in good health. Just take care of it, because it is pretty rare. There are anvil collecters (no comment, momma always said "If you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut!" grin) who would give you a LOT more than you paid for it.
Paw Paw Wilson <> - Thursday, 04/26/01 19:21:24 GMT

Thanks for all the information PawPaw. (Is that better?)

Chris Crawford <> - Friday, 04/27/01 12:16:17 GMT


Thanks for everyones help. -chris