Anyone like to see Mark make somthing like this ?

Apr 13, 2007
Obviously not copying this design but something along these lines ?


I actually drew something up similar to this idea last week, I called mine the FISH because that's what it resembled. I was trying to think up some catchy acronym for it like Fully Integrated Survival Harpoon before I posted the drawing !
Yeah, I like it. I have a custom in for a necker that looks similsr with stomper.
that would be cool.. i have always loved the idea of a survival harpoon/knife/gig... :thumbup:
i have one of the TOPS versions, designed by Terrill Hoffman... i really like it.. it's a lot of fun to carry and use...i scored 2 for the price of 1 through a group buy many years ago, when they first came out..:)
in stainless would be sweet to use for fishing...not necessarily cleaning fish but for cutting up bait fish, line and stabbing into chum blocks would be perfect.

or D2...