anyone like wire wrap knives??

Feb 17, 1999
I have a couple and there are not many makers doing wire wrap. This one is by one of the best of this style -- Scot Shoemaker

That is a beautiful knife. I remember Scott years ago in NY and just loved his pieces. I think he and Tom Maringer were the two best at the wire wrap.

Ohhhhhhhhh MY GAAAWWWWWDDDDDD :eek: :eek: Mr White you have one if not thee most outstanding knife collections I have ever seen. I looked and looked again over and over again and would have to say I couldnt pick a favorite from the whole collection. My hat is off to you sir...................RB
glad you all like the images. I have just been having fun with different backgrounds and some of the knives. No point in having a collection if it can't be enjoyed by myself and others.

This knife is actually quite small. It is 7" OAL with 3" blade. In the fighter thread is another wire wrap by Fritz Clauer. It is the only one I have seen done by a Canadian maker.

I have never had the opportunity to meet Scot as I got the knife from a dealer many years ago. He and Tom Maringer were the pioneers in wire wrap. I have seen them by one other maker whose name escapes me at the moment.
I remember an article in Blade Magazine years ago showing Scot out in the backyard making that wire wrap with an electric drill and 3 or 4 strands of wire about 30 feet long tied off to the garage, or something like that.........

I ALWAYS wanted one of those badboys but at the time I know that Tom's bigger 'stuff' was in the 5 figure area and just a little out of my reach.....:rolleyes:........and still is!:( Scot's knives were every bit as beautiful but, alas, more than I could come up with.
Nice knife Murray - clean, crisp and pointy. I'm liking the new backgrounds too. This one suits the knife very well.


I don't usually like wire wrapped handles, but this one is definitely an exception. This knife is killer. Everything just seems to go together perfectly.