Anyone tried one of these?

May 24, 2001
Hi gang,
this is my first post in this group, so bear with me if this is something that's been covered before. I recently read about a knife from Jungle knife and machete. Anyone tried any of their knives? They appear similar to the Martindale's, but I'm not sure if they're the same.

Here's a link:

I'm interested in their golok, but any opinions on their other knives would be welcome.

I read an article on their Jungle knife in tactical knives, by Jeff Randall I believe! The knife is a good one, from what I remember. That extra "hump" on the front of the blade really adds some momentum in the swings.
These are British Martindales. They should be on the inexpensive side. Seen all over the world, as used by the British Army and countless other organisations. They do the job and a tough job at that. They are the "Stanley Knife" or SAK of the machete world.

You'll find no complaints from me.
Thanks, Greenjacket.
Could you describe the grind on the golok? I'm interested in a replacement for my 18" machete, and a more durable blade for cutting through fallen branches would be beneficial.

Oh, cheapest I've seen the golok here is about $30US, and $50US for the jungle knife. Not cheap, really, but reasonable if the quality is good.

These knives are workmanlike; nothing to get excited about, but they do the job. Cost should be the same and if anything the knife less. We are talking max price $30, if not $25. Grind is adiquate and you will need to improve them to your taste. Normally shipped in boxes of 30 or more. They are tools.
Outside of Seattle covers a lot of ground :rolleyes:

Before you jump on the goloc, you owe it to yourself to put your hands on a BK&T Patrol Machete. Sure, it cost more but I feel you will be getting at least 10 times the chopping tool for your money. If you are anywhere near Bremerton, I would be happy to let you look at my Patrol Machete. I hit a brick with mine while doing some brush and grass and the edge was not effected at all and it is light weight and swings like it's an extension of your arm.

Correction: the Para knife should be less. The Jungle Knife $5 more. does some nice DPM sheaths for them.

Having not used the Jungle version, I was told that the very wide blade allows for some digging/scraping, more chopping power and as a rudementary paddle. With the amount of river crossings done by Jungle troops this would make perfect sence.

The Becker is a whole different animal and a whole lot more money. Kitting out a 30 man plus expedition is expensive. The Martindales do the job and are fully battle proven. Your choice, but no knife will stop the heat and bugs devouring you. How much knife do you really need and what for? Both are good examples of their price type.
I live south (near Seatac), but I'm a wetland ecologist, so my work takes me all over the east side of the sound. I don't get over to your side of the sound too often, but I'm not opposed to a ferry ride now and again!

I'd be using this tool for brushcutting at work. The vegetation here is frequently has an understory of salmonberry or blackberry. These plants are similar to the the briars found in western europe, but in heights up to 10 feet (say 3 meters), with canes up to 2" (umm, that's about 5 cm) in diameter. The stems are fairly woody, but very flexible. Most of the other vegetation I cut is fairly soft, though horsetails (common in wet areas) do take up large amounts of silica, and can dull blades quickly. Occasionally, I need to cut through some fir, cedar or other maple branches.

I have a number of khukuris which are fine for the heavy stuff, but are very tiring when cutting these flexible berry canes.


The more I read your comments the more I am convinced that you NEED a BK&T Patrol Machete. If you want to, I might consider lending it to you to try long as I get it back:rolleyes:
Ron, I may take you up on that offer, and of course I'd return it. What do you generally use your BK&T for, work, gardening, camping etc?

I've been temped by the Himalayan Imports Kobra, and the BK&T sounds like it's in the same price range. The only problen being, I'd never forgive myself if I lost it in the field. A $30 knife lost I could live with, but $100 to $150? I just couldn't justify it.

Hey guys . . . I don't normally post here but had to chime in!
I bought one of the jungle knives from loinc/jungleknife and the leather sheath. I was not too impressed and sent it back. If you buy the jungle knife ($40) and the sheath ($30) and pay shipping you have already paid for the BK&T which comes with a sheath! I have one and love it. The Patrol Machete is more versatile, sharper, more comfortable, quicker, etc, etc! IMHO a better buy!!
Hmmm. is Camillus paying you guys? ;) :D
seriously, thanks for the review Jason. I'd mostly heard good things about the martindale knives before. What exactly dodn't you like about the jungle knife?
I have mostly used my Patrol Machete to cut bamboo with and it just seems to glide through the stuff.
The sheath is its only weak rides kind of sloppy in it, however, I have mine attached to an ALICE pack using ALICE clips and it rides between an outside pocket and the pack body.
I agree with Muzzleup.
As far as machetes go, the BK&T Patrol Machete is a class act that is tough to top.
I use mine to chop the Camphor, oak and Dogwood saplings that grow along the fenceline. I've also successfully used it to prune my Azaleas and Boxwoods (brutally thick and tough shrub) into nice square shapes.
I kid you not, it looks like they were pruned with an electric hedge trimmer.
The edge geometry on this machete is awesome.
It handles brush and woody bushes with ease.
It is also comfortable for periods of extended use.
I'm fairly certain if you try one, you'll wanna buy one. ;)
Martindales shouldn't be that expensive. The sheaths suck as most people don't bother carrying then in sheaths anyway. There are some better sheaths for them but I'm not sure of the source. They also do some long light pangas.

I think cliff posted a really nice machete Meula???; well it had a nice long blade and redish wood handle. Can't find it on a search :mad: Help.

I would think something quite long, for reach, and something that keeps a hard keen edge. Big brambles, with thorns?
Why not a poled billhook, which keeps you well away from the action. The traditional bush clearance tool, lambs foot/reverse curved blade on a shaft.

Back to you when I have time to get my teminology, search engines, in gear.
Poled billhook. :cool: Yeaaahhhhhh. George Silver highly recommends the forest bill. Perfect for dispatching errant knights, or knights errant, as the case may be.
But, alas! it's not very inconspicuous.

Sorry! Back to modern times ;). Himalayan blackberries are indeed big, with thorns (prickles) similar to a domestic rose.
Salmonberry is more woody, and the thorns (prickles, technically) are much finer.

A bush hook (axe length bill) is excellent for brush clearing on a large scale, but since I also have to carry a soil auger, the weight and bulk would be way too much. I have used them on restoration projects where I didn't have to carry a bunch of other stuff.

Originally posted by Outdoors
Hmmm. is Camillus paying you guys? ;) :D
seriously, thanks for the review Jason. I'd mostly heard good things about the martindale knives before. What exactly dodn't you like about the jungle knife?

I wish they were!!:D
I did not like the "value" of the martindale. I do like their larger machetes though. The jungle knife, because it is hot-rolled steel, was not "flat". It had a warp that ran from the top of the "hump" to the edge. Also, the handle was rough and covered with filler from the rivet holes. It would be great for $20 but on "sale" for $40 was not too great. Loinc is one of a very few importers of the martindales. (They bring in Jungle knives, goloks, and surveyor style machetes.) The limited availability apparently drives up the price. The jungle knife does seem to have great power
but the BK&T is more comfortable to hold and is great to chop with!

I believe the reference by GREENJACKET to the Muela machete that Cliff Stamp spoke of was actually my AITOR BOLO MACHETE. It is really my favorite chopper (Especially the weight distribution and chopping power!) but the handle is admittedly, not as secure as the BK&T. Harder to find too!!
If your travels take you into tropical or sub-tropical environments then you won't be disappointed at all with the Jungle Knife. It's one of the best machetes I've ever used for the purposes that we use a machete. The heavy front end and distal taper takes all the shock out of chopping, and it slices vegetation very quickly and smoothly. The edge that came on mine was perfect and didn't have to be touched up like most machetes I receive. I'm a real fan of Martindale. There's not a lot of folks making machetes this good for the environments we operate in. The Becker is an awesome piece also.

I have very little experience with the Golok myself, but former SAS troop Andy Mcnab calls them "tree beaters", because they beat the tree up more than they cut. The majority of SAS troops choose the Kukri, or the U.S. issue Ontario machete, which is also my favorite. Best $20 you'll ever spend.