Anyone up for a Busse Chat Saturday night?

Sep 19, 2002
10 pm ET?

if we get enough peoples it should be fun.

we can do the chat via AIM.

Send me your AIM name via email (AIM in subject line please), and I will do a large invite (to chat) at 10pm ET, saturday.

Who knows, might be fun.
Gundy, It's Aol Instant Messenger "it's free"

What if I don't get off work till 10 CT and that means after the drive home I'll be more than 2 hour's late:(
I use to have AOLIM and never used it.
I just resigned user name is:
Hey!!!! I tried that and it knocked me back!!!! Stupid software!!!@#$%^@#$%^@#$%@#$%^@#$%^@#$%^@#$%^T@#$

Guess that Aussie DSL line is just a little to slow:p ;)

Or maybe it just recognized a true HOG:p :D
yes sir, you most definately outhog me 100:1.

But, if you knew what I had and could never ever ever post a pic would want to be my bitch!

Mwahahahhahahaha :D ;)
What's up with these darn blank post?

Damn computer must be acting up again!

(Hi BB and Shaggi);)

Hello Chuck!! Hello to everyone else too!!

Gundy, you keep those pics in your safe. If those get out DN might divorce me. Those pics stay between skunk and you. Are we clear fellas?

So how's everyones week been going?!
