Apparition question?

Oct 26, 2005
My wife gave me the NICA Benchmade Apparition for Christmas with the damascus blade. Benchmade says the blade is Hakkapelitta damascus. What is "Hakkapelitta". It is a beautiful blade!
I always liked the look of the apparition but hated the cheap looking fake horn scales. The knife looks ten thousand times better with the classy carbon fiber scales! Congratulations on the knife, your wife made an outstanding choice.
quick question as I'm behind on the lingo. I heard that "damasteel" is a term for "faux damascus." Is this true? Is damasteel just regular steel that is etched into a damascus pattern?
Dude, your wife ROCKS!

For that present, your wife deserves flowers, a night out dancing, dinner AND a movie!:D

She has great taste.:thumbup: Congrats on the Apparition!