Applegate/Fairbairn Combat Folder

The big AFFCK is infamous for having an unreliable lock. Sounds like you got a winner though. Have you tested the lock using the standard lock tests outlined in Joe Talmage's Liner Lock FAQ?

I really like the Applegate-Fairbairn Covert though. It has a pretty good lock, passes all the tests on the two examples I have owned, plus the new safety is easy and well designed. The single ground blade is excellent for utility, and the knife is really well made.

I have had mine for 2+ year's now and I really enjoy it! It is still one of my favorite's among many. I haven't heard anything in awhile, but I was under the impression that the A/F Combat was to have the new lock feature that the Covert has. Anyone know anything on this? I have seen some of these knives fail the whack test, yet other's only seem to lock harder by doing it, but then again the whack test doesn't really mean much to me. This knife was the hottest thing going 2yrs ago, don't hear much about it now. Guess it had it's day!

"War to the knife and knife to the hilt"
