April the start of another month of fools to be tossed overboard.

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stebour12 Here is one that joins BFC sends a spam visitor message to himself.

Maybe he should go back to school.
UDT-SEAL - enough of this poser and his trolling as well as selling on the backs of those who have the right to do so.
We were forgiving for a while. Too bad it did not sink in.
samkallis If you are going to spam, best not do it in traditional. :D. You will get tossed out of there within a couple of seconds after clicking post reply.
GoArmy - the return of the posing scumbag loser UDT-SEAL.
jayblair - spam in a unopened can.
fenghsiao24 - spammer banned & deleted to keep him from embarrassing himself any more.
Thanks to CWL for the heads-up!
cyanoam - language-challenged spammer reported by Fort Henry Custom Knives & dttomcat.
kenet - spammer picked on on researching cyanoam. :)
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