Are cats good for nothing?

Oct 20, 2000

My daughter loves cats but I don't see cats the way she sees them.

Dogs, I can understand. Dogs look after the house. Dogs chase away rodents and maybe even snakes. But cats? Cats just laze around the whole day and sometimes attract other stray cats into the house.

Worse, during the mating season, they keep the whole neighbourhood awake with their mating calls.

I admit some cats do look lovely. Some have one green eye, one blue eye.

But they have no functional purposes as domesticated animals. Sometimes they are even afraid of the bigger rats.

Now what good things can we say about cats?
Pretty much summed up in your first line. To keep our daughters happy:) My daughter has "her cat" along with her hamster, her rabbit, and her fish. Of course the family lab joins in and sleeps in her room known as the zoo.
The smile is enough.
Our cat keeps the rats out of the yard. Can't be said of our neighbors with dogs. Gophers, moles, mice, and many insects do not bother our yard. Not true of the neighbors with dogs.

I dunno... Had a Siameese once. Very protective. Someone came in without permission from us or acknowledgement, she went after them, and chased them from the house.
She beat up anything she could. Cats, people, dogs. She was a hellion, that was for sure. Great hunter of bugs do. Would snag a flying insect out of the air easily and ate them.

They're also great foot warmers and alarm clocks too.. ;) Esepcially the one we have now. He's more dog than cat. Hates cats, loves dogs.

Our cats catch anything thats smaller than themselves, including rats, lizards, and even bats. Our tomcat fights sometimes with minks over the territory. Cats are holding back the mice population, otherwise we would have considerable problems with the cattle corn.
I´m talking about cats, not pets for the kids
I dunno, I live with 2. After 3 years in this area, coming in an area filled with lizards, RATS, and gophers, they're pretty much gone. The only things that hung around were the birds.

I've had cats for most of my life. They have been good for quite a lot for me.


To begin with, the cats I've had did either chase away or kill anything smaller than themselves which entered the territory. They were very effective at clearing the area of rodents, reptiles, birds, and insects.


My cats were also great as alarm systems, waking me and letting me know if anything odd and potentially problematic was up.


And, yes, they really do make great foot warmers.


As for looking lovely--I place a lot of value on their aesthetic contribution to my environment.


My cats were also good friends. They rushed up to me and greeted me with genuine excitement and pleasure every single time I came home. They'd tag along on neighborhood walks. They preferred to be near me than anywhere else. They were very playful and loved to play with me. They'd show me stuff that interested them.

The friendship was one of the biggest benefits they gave. Perhaps you are incapable of having a real friendship with an animal. If you can find this ability within yourself, I guarantee you'll be a better person for it.


I also learned an enormous amount from them. They reminded me of the simple life where one is content with being and doing, instead of basing happiness upon various artifices we create and impose on ourselves. They served as demonstrations of what utter joy really means, reminding me and helping me find it again in my life. They expressed pleasure from the simple presence, or touch, of a loved one, helping me come back to the eternal verities.

They also taught me the ways of animals. They taught me how to stalk wildlife. They showed me how to sit or lay comfortably on a variety of shapes and surfaces. They taught me how to shift at will from being a human in my domesticity, to being an animal among animals and nature (instead of the misplaced foreigner the most people are when put into the natural world). They taught me how to move with elegance and efficiency through the natural world. They taught me how to smell the world and learn fro what I smell, and how to listen to subtle noises and glean from them. They taught me how to be an animal whisperer.

As a professional nature photographer, I owe a large portion of my success to what I learned from observing and interacting with my cats.


If you read the book Love and Survival, by Dr. Dean Ornish, you will see dozens of doumented medical studies of the health benefits and life-extension benefits of cat companionship. They create health benefits through giving people relaxation, distraction from stresses, love, and giving lonely elderly people touch, exercise, and purpose.


Finally, I consider the question "Are cats good for nothing?" to be somewhat absurd, and also kind of sad. You will be a happier and better person if you come to recognize an intrinsic worth in all living organisms.

I'm a dog person through & through but was amazed by Evolute's insight into his cats teacher aspects. Both of my sisters are cat people & to listen to them, you'd think the cats were human! I'm surprised no one has mentioned the fact that a cat on your lap can lower your blood pressure much the way a dog being petted can. My God! I'm sounding like Dr. Seuss & The Cat in the Hat!
My God! I'm sounding like Dr. Seuss & The Cat in the Hat!


You would have to rhyme to do that!:p

I've had cats all my 36 years. I can agree with all the positive responses and some of the negative. I'm not sure about the Chinese Restaurant line, I don't eat Chinese!:D
I'm a dog guy, but I'm also one of those people that most cats seem to like right away. Even the most shy or aloof cats seem to wind up in my lap when I visit their owners. I'm told my grandfather was the same way, but more so. Cats would follow him down the street as he walked. Cats are pretty interesting animals, but a dog is more suited to my lifestyle. My neighbor's cat hunts on my property quite bit, many days I see him heading for home with a dead rodent in his mouth. Works for me!:)
'A cat on your lap
is better than a slap
when you're taking a c**p
from the other side of your lap!'

Nah! Your right, TAutry, Dr. Seuss I'm not! :D
Here's my story:

In 1993 I built a new home with attatched garage. I also purchased a new Ford Pickup. I was quite proud of both, as my wife and I worked very hard to attain the "American Dream".

We live on an acreage, far from most of the noises and hassles of town. The cornfield is only 75 feet from my back door. In the fall, here in central Iowa, the crop comes out, and, generally speaking, the mice move in.

One cool fall evening, I stepped from my new home into my new garage to look at my new pickup, and have a smoke. I hit the garage door opener, which startled the "garage cat" sleeping on the hood of my pickup, and new scratches immediately appeared. I stomped out the smoke, went into the house, and grabbed my 1100, stuffing 2 shells into the tube magazine of the 12 gauge. That cat scratched up my truck, and the penalty was death.

As I re-entered the garage and hit the opener again to re-open the door, a mouse scurried in under the widening opening of the garage door. The cat went into an immediate crouch and pounce manuver.

I unloaded the shotgun, lit another smoke, and shut the garage door again. I decided to live with the scratches on the hood of my pickup.

I like cats.
Yep, I like cats too. When you figure that their
wild cousin's are respected and feared by most
other living creatures then they've got a LOT going
for the species:D

Dog's?? well not so much so for me. To much work
and trouble caring for them. And most dogs smell
bad too.
I've been around cats all my life and can't imagine life without them. They are self cleaning, lap sized, smell good, and purr. Perhaps the best summary I've seen is:

Dogs have owners, cats have staff.;)
Raptor, LOL!! Reminds me of another cat saying:

"Dogs will come when they are called. Cats take a message and will get back to you later." ;) :D
Here's another few for those that collect:

'Cat's motto: No matter what you've done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it.' - Unknown

'In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.' - Dereke Bruce

'You own a dog; you feed a cat.' - Jim Fiebig

'Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.' - Jeff Valdez