Are the Vikings good swordsmen?

i suggest you read "eaters of the dead" by michael chrichton. it was made into a so-so movie staring antonio banderas (the 13th warrior).

the book tells of the adventures of a learned citizen of baghdad who somehow got hitched with a group of vikings. they travelled all the way to scandanavia. the account was written in the 9th century AD and many of the places the author described were verified to be accurate by archeologists.

weapons are classified as whether they are for the 'breath line' or the 'fat line'. the breath line basically means the neck and this is attacked by a lateral sweeping stroke, using a two-handed sword.

the fat line is simply the centerline of the torso and this is attacked by thusting and cutting weapons like spears, daggers, axes, thrusting swords.

dueling is meant to test courage and steadfastness. you fight within a piece of tanned hide (CQC), with sword and shield. shields were made of wood and leather, reinforces by a steel boss and rims. these shields tend to break when hit by a strong sword swipe and fighters are allowed as many as three shield changes. ambidextrous fighting is a prized skill.
Eaters of the Dead is a work of FICTION, essentially a retelling of the Beowulf saga. You cannot use it as a historical reference for anything.