Are We Ever Going To Have a Lone Wolf Forum?

Probably as soon as someone from Lone Wolf Knives asks Spark to open one and is willing to moderate it.
warden41272 said:
Just curious.

Not sure why you posted this question in this forum, but after having met the two fellows from Lone Wolf Knives at 3 different knife shows, I very much doubt you would ever see them running a forum.

As a company, their philosophy seems primarily geared toward mining the "collectible" market and not as much interested in the "high performance" per se. I am sure that they got burned pretty badly on their initial offerings (the Loveless fixed blades and the Tighe-Pan) and they have focused on selling sex (so to speak) over design with the endless Paul knives and scale variants on the Harsey.
I agree about the Loveless offerings, but the Harsey Folders are hot to trot. I would like to see more from Mr. Harsey through this company.