Are we steel snobs?

Alan, 8a is ok! Not the best or the worst.

Many claim we go for super steels as we are lazy and cannot re-sharpen.

I say no way! I can get a razor edge on any half decient blade and like no...LOVE sharpening a knife!

However it is frustrating when a knife dulls in the midle of a light duty job. That is when I turn my nose up at a knife steel, hence 6m is out the door as an every day carry knife!

To be honest, I now consider 440c/10a or G2/GIN 1 as the lowest steel I will carry.

8a is not good enough for a primary carry only as a back up for me.


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

A few useful details on UK laws and some nice reviews!
Certified steel snob!