Area around Anaconda/Philipsburg, MT?


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 23, 2005
I'm heading up to Montana this weekend to dig around in a mine up near Philipsburg with the girlfriend. We'll stay in Butte friday night, but I'm planning on camping out (car camping) Saturday and probably Sunday night, though we may head down to Spencer, ID for Sunday. Does anybody know any good spots that won't be totally crowded over the weekend? Any can't miss sights we should see?


It's been many years since I've been there, but you ought to be able to find a place near Georgetown Lake/Porters Corner. There is a ghost town near there too, can't remember the name right off hand. That is one beautiful part of the country. The Anaconda Pintlar Wilderness Area is just amazing. Butte is a neat town, with some really interesting architecture from the boom days of mining. I have fond memories of the times I visited there.