i didnt see your post until tonight,but here is the adress:
424W Markham
Little Rock AR
in the Robinson center/ double tree hotel
a lot of arkansas bladesmiths will be there,as well as some okies,and several others from all over including,but not limited to: David Anders, Jim Batson, Loura Sou Bethke, Chris Bowles (he is 19 or 20,but does amazing work) Al Dippold,Fred Durio, Echols,Faust,Fisk,Fitch,Flourney,Foster,Kirk,Dr Lucie,Massey,Tom Krein,Matt Lamey, Uncle Al,Moon, Muller Forge,Ron Newton (oh my god,this man makes some awesome knives),Polk,ML Williams, and Kenny Rowe--ok so rowe doesnt make knives,but you get it. (insert panting sounds here)
Oh,and dont forget--me!! (Plus Amy Hinchman and Paul Basch,but everyone is coming to see me,right?

Need more info? Call Mr Roger Massey (870)779-1018 or send me an e-mail and Ill see what I can help you with.