ATC T-Shirts


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2002
As I am a truly devoted fan of Andy Prisco And ATC...And I don't own a Hawk yet...(NYC Show!)...I was wondering if ATC has T-Shirts in the works...A nice one with the logo big, in all it's glory on the back and front...
I mean, i have a Busse shirt and a Strider...i need an ATC!
Whatcha think Mr Prisco...?

See u in Nov...

Vin Creazzo

SI NY, E. Brunswick NJ...
The shirt issue is a long standing one...not only do we owe contest winners their shirts from early this year, but we get requests for ATC clothing every day.

Believe me when I say, we indeed know this is something important. It is on our agenda and we hope to have it put to bed soon.
I'll buy two! :D I think the relatives would love them as Christmas presents!:D What's coming up next? I am heading out of town for 6 weeks and I need to start asking/begging the minister of finance (wife) now! The VT is incredible and I get great comments from my fellow aviators.
Mr. Prisco,

Thanks for remembering the contest winners ;) That shows you are a stand up guy. I was thinking about this the last few days, and it says A LOT about ATC that you have not forgotten. That is awesome. Now go make hawks :)
Just make sure that you accomodate us bigguns.... make some XXL and XXXL's too!
There is an old proverb:"patience is a virgin........OOOOOPS!!!!! I mean virtue."

Patience is now paying a very handsome dividend!!!:rolleyes: :D
No, but we are about to place our order with our clothing source to fulfill this obligation! :) The wait will be over soon enough friends.

Originally posted by Andy Prisco
No, but we are about to place our order with our clothing source to fulfill this obligation! :) The wait will be over soon enough friends.


Just let me know, when my XXXL is there, I'll drive up there and pick it up!!!!;)
Funny you should say wife squared away the order with Wearguard on Friday.

They aren't going to be able to deliver by XMAS, but they will be a nice "after XMAS" delivery! ;)
I agree. 'Hawks should come first but would definitely like to see the shirts/w logo available on your site!
I am patient!! I am the calm center of the universe!! I am as peaceful as a hindu cow!! I am the zen master!!!!

You get the idea!!!;)