ATC Window Decal/Sticker Sighting in NJ!?!

Aug 31, 2000
A strange thing happenened to me on the way to work this morning...

I spotted an ATC sticker on a truck as it passed me!!!

Is this possible???

I mean, what are the chances that I bumped into another person who knows of, has purchased from, or works with you??
My guess is that would be a pretty slim chance since the tomahawk market/industry is not real huge (yet anyway).

I'm still not sure if I really did see this or not as I even had to clear my eyes & take a second look at the time.

The truck was a red Dodge Ram 4x4 and the sticker was white and was located directly behind the driver's head on the rear cab glass. If I could have just got up besides this truck at the light then I would have asked the driver about his 'hawks. But I wasn't so lucky.

Geez, this company is sure blowing up!!
First the cover of Knives Illustrated and now secret society stickers on cars & trucks all over the Garden State?? What's next??

Well, I just thought that I would mention this and possibly validate my sighting.

I wish you & your company the best. The more 'hawk makers the better.
I'll continue to keep checking in on this forum for the release date of a "18th Cent. PipeHawk". I know that your going to do it Andy. I can just feel it.
No pressure........of coarse.

--The Raptor--

[This message has been edited by Raptor (edited 06-20-2001).]
Raptor, thats quite a sighting.

We are hoping some of the modern hawks soon to come from ATC will prompt more interest in Hawks in general.

Synthetic Handles, state-of-the-art steels, efficient cutting and ergonomic handle designs etc.

Soon we will be offering apparel, decals, accessories, and a new product that can be used with all your cutlery will be coming soon.


[This message has been edited by GPB (edited 06-20-2001).]
FYI>>>> My red 91 ford explorer has an AKTA sticker, I got from Bobby after I received my Ranger light infantryman Hawk.

BTW, was this in north or south Jersey???

Big-Target>>>>>"I may look like a crook and a ruffian. But witness,O Moon, the splender of my heart."-----(Kantaro of Ina)

[This message has been edited by Big-Target (edited 06-20-2001).]
It was a South Jersey sighting!!

Is your decal all white without any words?

--The Raptor--

OOOPPPSS!!!! I almost forgotwhat town/county were you in???Though my mailing address is in Somerdale, I live in Cherry hill;in camden county. Though lately, i have taken the explorer, to some of the shore points(O.C.,A.C.,Tuckahoe), taking care of some business with for my in-laws. Plus it has been to Batsto, and Medford(at Braddocks tavern).

Big-Target>>>>>"I may look like a crook and a ruffian. But witness,O Moon, the splender of my heart."-----(Kantaro of Ina)
Hi Big-Target,
Well, your sticker wasn't the one spotted.

It was actually the exact ATC symbol in all white with the eagle head and the two crossed 'hawks. It just didn't have the words American Tomahawk Company. And it was definately a red Dodge Ram with a white toolbox in the bed. Not a Ford.

Also, my ATC sticker/decal sighting was on RT.38 near the Moorestown Mall.

--The Raptor--

I DON'T F*&^ING BELIEVE IT!!!! I live 15 minutes away from Moorestown Mall. We're practically neighbors!!!!
Where is your AO?????

Email me!!!!
Big-Target>>>>>"I may look like a crook and a ruffian. But witness,O Moon, the splender of my heart."-----(Kantaro of Ina)

[This message has been edited by Big-Target (edited 06-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Big-Target (edited 06-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Big-Target (edited 06-23-2001).]