Attachment Question

Aug 31, 2000
Hi there Mr. Spark,
First off I just want to say that this new set up is looking pretty good. I think you'll have more problems with the members getting the hang of things than you will anything else.;)

Now having said that, I was trying to figure out how to attach an image taking it directly from my harddrive. I looked in the FAQ's and this is what I came up with:

To attach a file to a new post, simply click the [Browse] button at the bottom of the post composition page, and locate the file that you want to attach from your local hard drive.

Now here's my problem. Where's this "Browse" button located??
I've looked but I can't seem to locate it.
Am I missing something???:confused:


--The Raptor--
Attaching files has been turned off for Basic members - it will be a feature for those who become Premium members. Other features will include private messaging, and some others I am checking out.

Thanks Spark.

I'll await the opportunity to become a Premium member.:)

--The Raptor--