Atten:!: Daniel Koster

So far, just this...


Some assembly required....

:D :foot: :o
...Dan, If I'm seeing correctly the shapes of the unfinished blades in the picts, one of them looks very much like the AK Cleaver.

I hope to see you there, this is right after the weekend of the Shot Show and LVCKS + Antique Arms & Armor Show...I'll probably harass you for a bit asking lame questions and putting my McDonalds greasy fries fingers on the blades:D :D :D Hope to see some preview pics! Well...I think everyone here would love too also!
I s'pose a few preview pics won't hurt....:D :p :o
(when the time comes)

Can't wait to meet up with y'all....gonna be a heckuva weekend. I'll be there Saturday only....just FYI.

Here are the drawings for the kitchen knives shown on the chair:

Santoku - 12" overall

Binakoko - 15.5" overall
(new design...naming: courtesy of Steve Ferguson)

Both are made from 1/8" thick, 2" wide, they'll be a tad lighter than the AK Cleaver. :o

DIJ - you got some good peepers there. :thumbup:
Dan, could you repost the link to this show? This might be my best chance to meet a bunch of you guys. This is within a couple of hours from my house.

I'm done in the south bay and might be interested in that Santoku. Several hour drive, but I could justify the trip with all the winerys and assorted things to do up there. Should we bring Khuks along as some sort of Super secret way of ID'ing ourselves?
If enough people come, a Saturday-night-get-together would be cool (like we did at the Blade Show). As a presenter, I'm kinda obligated to attend the "high-brow" dinner that evening...but no reason I can't slip out for a late-night desert somewhere...:D....which would definitely justify a khuk-showing. :thumbup:

sweet - In every show I've attended, I've always allowed (encouraged) people to try-before-you-buy...bring on them greasy fingers! :p

I did some experimenting and testing and have decided to add some of these to the show:


Can't believe how handy these are...gave one to my wife and mother-in-law to mess around with and they immediately found 10 different ways to use it. (had to pry it away from them :eek: )

Learn something new every day, I guess...:o
Once your fingers get strong enough, that great for fleshing hides. Have to be a little careful it is not too sharp.

Lovely work, Dan.

BEautiful stuff Dan! I wish I could come to the show. Best of luck to you.

I think I need a dankhura as well. I love my HI KErambit, but it is a tad large.