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Attn everyone waiting on Mick to do your repairs…

Feb 16, 2000
Hey there,
Sorry im slow on repairs in the recent past.
There is a war on and I am a bit busy.

I will however attack the repairs in the next two days.

L.O. Sorry about your AR .….we are out of blades…but in the process.
Am building your SP SnG today…

So then…to re-cap…
Take a pill,
Take a drink,
Whatever it takes….

"There is a war on and I am a bit busy."

Mick, I understand completely, no explanation needed, but appreciated all the same. Mick, please understand, ALL of your customers with ANY common sense understand what this war, and the SnGs is doing to you. Remember these words of wisdom:

Take a pill,
Take a drink,
Whatever it takes...

BTW, absolutely NO sarcasm intended!
BTW, if any stinking troll-types are reading this thread, know this. Mick Strider gives INCREDIBLE customer service! What he's doing for me regarding my AR is above and beyond what's expected. He VOLUNTEERED to do what he's doing, which, BTW, is nobodies business but Mick's and mine.

(copied from the other Strider forum)
Sure Mick, now we see where your priorities are.

Right where they should be


Anyone who can't respect that desrves no respect in return!


Oh yeah Mick, my AR needs a new blade too. I'm not picky just send out one of those Nightmare blades you have laying around and I'll install it myself :D
Mr. Strider,

Lynn Little is a friend of mine, at least as long as I leave Yukon Jack and chewin' tobaccy laying around.

As long as you have the S30V bar stock laying around and the pattern for the SnG on your work bench, why not just cut out TWO.

Anything Lynn likes with the word Strider stamped on the ricasso is fine with me. Cutting out two might save you some time. :D
Mr. Mick,

Does this go for Mr. Duane as well? I've been patiently waiting for the repair to my D9 that I sent back to you guys over four months ago.:(

The last email that I got from him was before Christmas and he had hoped to get it done before New Years. I called and spoke to Josh a week and a half before Vegas and was told that you guys were busy getting ready for the show. I emailed Duane just after Vegas and sent him a PM on USN a couple of days ago (since he's been posting there recently). I haven't heard back.

Can you please look into it?

"He VOLUNTEERED to do what he's doing, which, BTW, is nobodies business but Mick's and mine."

Gary, read the post. He VOLUNTEERED to do what he's doing. I did NOT ask him to do what he's doing. With that in mind, does it sound like my AR is broken?

You must have the most boring life imaginable. I prefer to spend my days helping people, not trying to be a pain. I guarantee my way's easier than yours, and a lot more productive.

Cultivate a teachable spirit. You'll live longer, and enjoy yourself in the process.
Well, I don't even have a Strider and I appreciate Mick posting . I mean damn at least he came straight out and said he had been slow doing it but the reason is sound and most of all he is working on it .

Rock on Mr. Mick

Lighten up. When you finally scrape up enough money, fill out all of the legal paperwork, leverage enough machinery, apply for all of the licenses, find skilled tradesmen, secure quality assurance agreements with vendors, bring a building up to code, take racial sensitivy training and design products that the public actually want, YOU CAN START YOUR OWN KNIFE COMPANY and do whatever you want in your customer service department.

Until that time, troll, stick your dick up your @$$ and go phuck yourself. I'm a proud Strider client.
By your profile I see that you live in California. A lot of below zero temps up in that neck of the woods?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It takes a lot to get me to the boiling point these days; thanks for a calmer response to show me once again how to disagee without being disagreeable. I've done some low stuff in my day, and I was reminded of that earlier today. This stuff is just starting to annoy me.

Documentation? Sheez Louise, the Ford Focus has been recalled for 20 different manufacturing problems. Don't whine, drive to a Ford dealer, find a knowledgible service writer.

Gary's remarks just seem to be spearing Mick by raising quality issues. It's way past how the knives operate or how fast Mick makes it good.

Hey, Gary, you want to take a cheap shot at someone? Well, I'm a good candidate. I've been a poseur, I have asthma, I'm past fifty, I've had two nervous breakdowns and right now I think I have stomach flu. There you go, no documentation needed, I just stipulated to it all!

I'd rather have a broken knife from Mick, and his promise to remunerate or repair than a knock-off from a dealer who's here-today and gone-tomorrow. But Mick doesn't need me, all of his proud clients meet here, and will swear to the same. Bite me.

I almost never never, never comment on the controversial stuff around BFC. Do a search. I have made a foray into the political forum a time or two and said something that drew a little fire, but really I try to keep a low key approach to things that happen on the internet.

But this guy got under my skin. I don't even own a Strider knife yet, though I like them a lot, so I really don't have a vested interest in this issue.

But our friend Gary jumped into a thread that had nothing to do with him with no other intent than to cast doubts on the quality of one of the arguably finest knife companies in America. That means in the world.


I don't really know. I guess some people just can't stand to witness the success of others. People who never accomplish anything themselves are often bitter toward those who do, and use every opportunity to cast aspersions on them. I probably have no business posting on this thread since it really isn't my affair either, but I have been around BFC for a while, and Mr. Swenson's recent grand entrance makes him smell suspiciously like a troll to me.

Well, it's been almost an hour since I popped my wine cork. Too much Sicilian blood and not enough Polish/German blood to thin it out! :D

I do feel that in some way his barb was connected to the issue; while he is a troll, I don't think this thing is totally thread drift.

Customer service, good and bad, had better be a top priority for any company who wants to make it. Business is down, and people don't have the time or money to get the run-around. That's why I support Mick, Dillon, Tussey and all other vendors and jobbers who still hang around after the money exchanges hands.

I've had to eat my share of crow to a client. But you'd better bet that the next telephone call I made was to a co-worker I needed to rectify the situation. Without question, I beleive Mick is that type of guy. He's behind at this point, no question.

'Skinner, you'll love your first Strider. No excuses, no 'pretty-boys' that you have to worry about dinging. No tearful goodbyes to the parts of your collection you sell off.

Thanks again for 'holding my coat.'
Holy crap Swenson,
If i had half as much spare time as you i would own a small country.
Glad your back though...we have had a shortage of cretins as of late.

We’re all tired of the glue thing…what else ya got?


I don't own one whit of Strider stock, I blow my cool and you keep your head and respond with a joke.

Maybe I'm just twitchy because my new knife is ten days away. I tend to pace, and get really worked up.

I'll go sharpen something and then sip a bit of Galliano, I'll be fine.