Average length/weight of a Nepali's khukuri?

Oct 28, 2000
Just wondering what the average weight and length of the average Nepali's khukuri would be?

I'm guessing 1 to 1.5 pounds and 15 to 17 inches long.

Bonus question: what is the average weight and length of HI customer's khukuri?

Let's hear your answers and your reasons for your answers to the above questions.
18", 20oz Reason...um...I was thinking of the WWIIs sold...
Well Medicine Man I concur on the average weight and length of the Nepalese khukuri mostly. I think they could go to 20" in some of the jungle like areas and go to around 2 pounds in other areas where more hardwood exists, but since most are probably used for farming and such I think the majority fits in with what you said.

I think most North American Khuk's average around 18" and 1.5 to 2 pounds since we're generally bigger in stature and mostly use our khuk's for chopping wood than farming uses.
This is a good question because many in the West are familiar with khuks through the military renditions, which are not neccesarily what the Nepalese use.

Bill once said ( think) that a lot of deforrestation in Nepal is due to the khuk.

Simon- the owner of Tora, does not believe khuks intended for chopping down trees. This may be because he features military style khuks.

Was there ever a Nepal axe? In widespread use?

Yes, remember the Bancha?

On khukri size, off the top of my head I'd guess more like 14 to 15 inches and about 16 to 20 ounces, depending on the region. They import steel from Indian junkyards, so the cost for heavier weights of steel is prohibitive for the poorer folk.

There was an article on going into Kham where one of the guys wanted a khuk like the yak boy had. They took him to buy a spring to make the khuk from, then a day's journey on foot to a village kami, then waiting for the kami to make it.

The idea ( IIRC ) is that a blade is forever, a handle is not. The average village khuk has a partial tang set by heating and burning the tang into the wood, followed by adding laha ( local cutler's resin ) and maybe some plastic, reheating the tang and inserting a last time for permanent set.

Remember that khuk's are hardened and drawn at the same time by letting residual heat flow back into the edge area from the spine after using water poured over the edge. Thus the thinnest part stays hardened, the somewhat thicker area behind the edge is draw to a lower hardness, and the spine and tang stay dead soft.

Eventually, the khuk will be sharpened past the treated area. By then it's usually time for another handle anyway. So the khuk goes back to the kami, gets fitted with a new handle ( or if it's still good, the tang gets reseated with a bit more laha ) and the edge may be rehardened as is or hammered thinner.

Uncle has told of seeing khuks that had to be originally thick, used down to next thing to a fish fillet knife. Waste not want not doesn't begin to cover it.