Hi jokrswylde and Artfully Martial,
I do not have a reliable source for that number.
www.fwr.de (pro gun lobbyists) say only 0.7% of the killings were commited with legally owned guns in 1999. That number sounds pretty low to me.
The numbers in my post above are published by the police. I do not think they are interested in skewing reality.
They also give numbers on criminals carrying guns for 2004:
- 278 out of 2860 people who attempted to kill/killed carried a gun
- 2,731 out of 38,948 robbers carried a gun
- 3,358 of all robbers robbed residential homes of whom 278 carried a gun (8.3%)
- 388 out of 633 bank robbers carried a gun (61.3%)
So carrying a gun or not carrying a gun is highly correlated with the nature of the crime commited.
My personal opinion... well, first off I am a statistician
, however I still have an opinion.
When I was a small child only high profile criminals were supposed to have guns. Guns were somewhat exotic things usually only seen on T.V.. Nowadays not many criminals carry guns, however those who carry them tend to use them more, I guess, and more amateur criminals have them because they are readily available (fall of the GDR and Soviet Union) and of course might be of some use to them. As a personal guess I'd say amateurs are more likely to run into situations where usage of a gun might be an option and I think amateurs more likely chose that option.
Where I roam (small town of ~2,000 inhabitants) violent crime is nearly unheard of.
Let me give you some examples of crimes I have personally heard of:
Worst thing ever happened to me here were two kids (never saw them before) following me at night while I was riding home on my bicycle. One of them caught up with me (I didn't increase my speed) and started insulting me. I stopped. He stopped. He continued insulting me. His friend came along. I usually do not talk that much to people who insult me (that guy was in a pretty bad situation by then, as he was still sitting on the saddle and talking smack to me while I stepped off my bike close him, so I'd have hit that guy pretty bad before he'd have gotten off his bike. Toppling to the ground with a bike between your legs is just bad) so I asked his friend to kindly f off and take the sucker with him as long as he doesn't wan't to talk to the police. He complied immediately.
When I worked in Hamburg for some time (population of ~2,000,000). Two co-workers (of around 120 during 2.5 years) got robbed at knife point. Those were two seperate incidents. One of them got robbed at a remote train station late at night, the other one in broad daylight in the main passage (knife pointed to the kidney while walking besides him, one complice walking behind him another one at the other side). I do not think self defense would have been suitable in the latter situation.
In the first situation it would have been possible as he was approached by some youths (4 or 5) and he saw them coming. So pulling out a USP (the Tactical is my favorite one, darn if i just could spare those EUR 900 right now...) and killing them all would have been an option... HOWEVER everything else (martial arts, knife, mace, threatening them with the gun) would surely have failed for technical reasons, or disbelief (few people have real guns so it's most likely a replica if you see one). You never want to argue with a german judge about killing 4-5 people who wanted only your wallet. Never. Ever. And the wallet is insured, so what? I do not want to argue with me about killing a few kids about my wallet either. However stupid they may be.
I would say crime is pretty low here BUT you still should spot & avoid possibly dangerous areas/situations. I never thought it might be neccessary to carry self defense tools and I don't do so. I do not consider the woods/parks here (near my town) dangerous; I frequently jog after sunset (carrying a Surefire or two, I don't like darkness). Still for taking a jog at night I have to know the place.