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Axis vs. Pinnacle vs. Genesis


Gold Member
Oct 4, 1998
I plan to buy either an Axis, Pinnacle, or Genesis for a Christmas present to myself. My problem though, is deciding which one. They all seem so great, I was hoping that someone who has handled the still unreleased Benchmades would have some opinions from direct comparisons among the three.
Very Simple. Buy 'Em All

Take Care,

I've been planning on posting that exact ? for a couple of days, Archie. I've been leaning towards the Genesis based on all the positive reviews and I also like to support companies that excel in customer service and believe in giving something back (and Will seems to do both). I'm also a little leery of getting a first-run Benchmade since their QC seems to be spotty of late. I sure do like the looks of the Axis though, but not enough to gamble.

I saw the Pinnacle at the Custom Knife Show today. The locking is exactly like the Chris Reeve Sebenza, except that the handle is skinnier-to give you an idea, it's a little bit thicker than a Spyderco Delica steel handle. The blade shape is interesting and the action, fit and finish seem pretty good. Overall, I think it's worth the $150 list price.

Still, if you like the Pinnacle's design and think you can swing the extra dough, go for a Sebenza. Nothing beats the real thing.


Knife lover, Philosopher, Humanitarian, and All-around nice guy
(all right, so I'm just a knife lover)
I had a chance to take an Axis home after the NY Custom show....really nice, and in my hands a better overall knife than, say, and AFCK. Nice blade, handle shaped kind of like the Stryker(but with a different feel), very smooth action, ambi clip--they were selling them pretty quickly.

Pinnacle--nice also, but obviously not a Sebenza in terms of fit and finish, without even talking about the blade. Also half the price...!

Not having had the chance to see, much less play with, a Genesis yet, I'd still say this will be a strong competitor. Listing at $160, will this end up being less than a Genesis after discounting?

I'd agree, though--if you can, buy em all.
Here's a belated reply to Archie's original post.
I just recently purchased both the EDI Genesis and the Emerson Commander and, while I am not familiar with the others you've mentioned, I fail to see how either could top the combo either the Genesis or Commander.
Both blades are rock solid and well built. For concealled carry I'll give the edge to the Genesis with its deep pocket clip. For shear brawn however the Commander is also well worth considering for slightly more $$$.
How sold am I on these knifes? They are my #1 and #2 knifes. I carry the Genesis on my primary side with the Commander on my weak side due to its quick-opening hook on the backside of the blade. In a tactical situation they give a impressive one-two punch.
On a more practical note: both will stand up to any everyday task you can imagine. I like the partially serrated blade of the Genesis for heavy duty cutting tasks like thick rope, boxes, etc. For denser material, I'll go with the Commander because of its wave blade design and chisel edge.
Hope this mini review helps.

Let's start with the knife that's more well-known. The Genesis is a true virtuoso performance, in my opinion. Well designed, well executed, well-finished, smooth action, innovative clip.

What the Axis and Pinnacle both have on the Genesis (and Commander) are that neither use a liner lock. I have seen problems with Emerson's liners occasionally first hand. I have not noticed them in the Genesis, but I have not had the opportunity to really look yet. The fact is, liner lock problems abound. Most people don't know how to test for them; on top of that, a liner lock that passes all tests can suddenly begin to fail.

If I were carrying two folders, most assuredly at least one -- and preferably both -- would not be a liner lock. Right now I don't carry any liner locks regularly anymore.

Okay, annoying sermon over.

Archie, I have a feeling that you'll be happy with any of the Axis, Pinnacle, or Genesis. The Axis and Pinnacle both have recurved blades, which are harder the sharpen than conventional blades; if you're a novice at sharpening, you should definitely start with the Genesis instead. In addition, both the Axis and Pinnacle are "unproven" at this point, though I have a feeling both will prove to be exceptionally well-done. The Genesis is a proven, rock solid design, and even with my dislike of liner locks, I think you'll be thrilled to pieces with it.

I don't have any of the above 3 knives, but my first purchase will definitely be an Axis. Genesis is also very high on my list. They are in that order because I already have a well-proven liner lock in my collection (M-2 AFCK), so my top priority is a top-notch non-liner-lock. Last priority for me is the Pinnacle, partially because I just ordered a Sebenza. Again, the Genesis is awesome, the two Benchmades probably will be awesome also.

I have an Axis and Pinnacle. I returned a Genesis. The Axis and Pinnacle are in a league of their own. The Axis is incredibly strong, yet the smoothest knife you have ever used. The Pinnacle is A TACTICAL Sebenza. This is a real sticker as well as a good looker. You couldn't go wrong with either.

The Genesis had two problems. Hard to open (studs too low) and the clip screws were not flush but stuck out. Also, not a tactical design.

There is a posting for the sale of numbered pre-production Axis' and Pinnacles. You won't be disappointed.

By the way, the Sebenza is great but also not tactical due to the blade shape.
I have an Axis and Pinnacle. I returned a Genesis. The Axis and Pinnacle are in a league of their own. The Axis is incredibly strong, yet the smoothest knife you have ever used. The Pinnacle is A TACTICAL Sebenza. This is a real sticker as well as a good looker. You couldn't go wrong with either.

The Genesis had two problems. Hard to open (studs too low) and the clip screws were not flush but stuck out. Also, not a tactical design.

There is a posting for the sale of numbered pre-production Axis' and Pinnacles. You won't be disappointed.

By the way, the Sebenza is great but also not tactical due to the blade shape.
If $$$ is a real issue go with the genesis. Firm lock, smooth opening, workmanship that makes it IMHO the best buy in that price range. However if you can swing it save a little more$$ and go for the large sebenza! I know it's pricey but once you hold and open one you will be glad you did it. Also IMHO the sebenza would be a real asset in a defensive situation as the tighter you hold it the more firm the lock is. Don't know about the other knives you mentioned.
Crash --

I'm curious as to what you think the Genesis lacks that makes it "not a tactical design".

okay, this time the double-post was my fault. I posted my first response, and for some reason it didn't show up in the string until several minutes later. So I posted it again. Gotta remember to give it a few minutes before doing that next time, but in the past after the software "returned" you automatically to the thread, your response was visible.


[This message has been edited by Joe Talmadge (edited 11-12-98).]
Of the 3, the Axis lock is the only one that departs from the status quo. The lock should be a quantum leap in folder lock security. I like the blade and handle shapes too. It is the only folder on my wish list right now. Too bad the blade isn't M-2 or BG-42 though.

When it comes down to it, the Axis lock is the only production folder I plan to be buying in the near future as well.

A little further out, I hope to be able to buy a re-engineered rolling lock, hopefully from Spyderco!

The Axis lock is my next folder purchase. I can't wait till they have them at my local knife store.