Ayman al-Zawahri addresses the American people

Ayman al-Zawahri also wishes the American people a happy holidays.

right back at ya, Ayman al-Zawahri!
Why is this shit posted at all? Anyone who posts this crap here should be banned from here and every friggin place else. Go back under the rock you crawled out from. no keepem sharp for this post, you SUCK!
Thanks to the Mods for bringing the ban-hammer down on this idjit... but could you get rid of the crap he posted too? If I want to read that garbage I'll go to the Al-Jazeera website.
Thanks to the Mods for bringing the ban-hammer down on this idjit... but could you get rid of the crap he posted too? If I want to read that garbage I'll go to the Al-Jazeera website.

I am with Torz on this. Would you be so kind as to get rid of this crap.
Since the last software update any moderator can kick a spammer overboard, which is great because we can usually react so fast he doesn't have time to paste in his spam many times. We're often kicking them after just one post.

Overwriting their garbage still has to wait for a moderator of that forum or a super moderator.

Posting in the thread that somebody should overwrite the spam doesn't help because when somebody with the access to do that arrives he'll do it first, before he reads replies to the spam.

In this case Bastid got here about two minutes before I did so I got beat out of the bounty -- but (as us Red Sox fans are accustomed to saying) wait till next time! :mad:
Thank you very much Cougar Allen. I really DO appreciate the explaination.
Posting in the thread that somebody should overwrite the spam doesn't help because when somebody with the access to do that arrives he'll do it first, before he reads replies to the spam.
Thanks for the info, I thought all Mods could do that... Is it still worthwhile to report the post after banning in case the Mod that has the editing powers doesn't happen to see it?
Is it still worthwhile to report the post after banning in case the Mod that has the editing powers doesn't happen to see it?

Absolutely. That raises the issue on the moderator's to-do list. It's always possible that something can slip through the cracks and go unnoticed and unattended. So, report on.

Keep in mind that moderators do have outside lives and do need a few winks of sleep every now and then. Fortunately, I was up early this morning and caught this guy and banned him before he could spread spill his spam on other forums on the site. But, cleaning up had to wait for morning.

The vast majority of our spam comes from just a handful of rather sophisticated offenders. This is the one I refer to as "The Spam Jihadist." He's actually been inactive lately. I have been hoping that he got captured and taken to some secret prison and was being water boarded or something. There's the Cell Phone Swindler and the Bag Lady to name a couple of others. These people are good at that they do and they have sophisticated software tools to support them. They're a problem not only on this forum but on others too. Bf.c is actually one of the busier forums on the internet and that makes us a target. These people know how to get in and get their posts made. All we can do is ban them to prevent further posting and clean up knowing that they will be back.

We really do need the help of every member as eyes and ears. If you see spam, report it.

There's no reason to respond to it. These posters, whose full-time job is spamming the internet, don't even come back to read any responses and they don't care.
When you click the "report post" icon that sends an email to the forum moderators. The members who do that deserve at least as much credit as the moderators for keeping this place spam free. It's the exclamation point in a triangle at the upper right corner of the post.

There is a band of elite spam-killers who usually get there first and click that button to call in a strike on the spammer. Join the spam-killers -- it's more fun than Space Invaders.... :cool: