B.C./Washington FMA Seminar, April 5 & 6

Jan 1, 2000
On April 5 & 6 Guro William Thurston, of the Phoenix School of Martial Arts in Surrey B.C., will be hosting a weekend seminar by Punong Guro Myrlino Hufana, with Guro Ariel Mosses as an additional guest intstructor. I have attended P.G. Hufana's seminars before and they are excellent. He and his studetns can work with eveyone from beginners to instructors and have something relevant, challenging and fun to share.

For more information you can go to P. G. Hufana's website www.arnisador.com or contact Guro Thurston at darkstarsystems@telus.net or by phone at 604-913-2016. Hope to see you there!

P.S. At a cost of only $110 Canadian for two days, this will be your best training value this year!