B F Party

Jan 19, 1999
I am away alot so maybe I missed this Idea.
I know there are alot of knife shows so how about a B F Convention. With over 3500 members and growing that would be one big PARTY but maybe I have smelled to much tuf cloth but I didnt inhale! Could this work?
got to run Mike

Great idea--we need a location. I suggest a central location, nice town, but small and quiet with reasonable lodgings--St. Louis or Peoria? (MO or IL)

I am certainly NOT suggesting these places because I'm an hour or two away from them, but out of concern for my fellow forumites' needs . . . .
Actually, Bladeforums could probably do something in parallel with one of the big national knife shows. We all show up, attend the show and hang out with our fellow formites. Meanwhile in a darken corner of the room Mike and the boys sign up blade show attendies about as fast as they can crank the data.

Sounds like all around good fun.

Cocktails anyone?

[This message has been edited by not2sharp (edited 30 September 1999).]
How about the St. Charles show in St. Louis, MO next June or July...


- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

We already do. Each year at the Blade Show.

I amy make a another in conjunction with a large Florida show in Orlando. Partyville!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Let's set up a big outdoor party in Kouts, Indiana! There's lots of farmland around here to be stomped upon.
have you heared about the internet?
There are other places than the U.S..
Hey Red,

The 4th entitled to make a call .... after all the last world map I saw had the U.S. damn nab at the center of the universe. (or does that only happen on U.S. printed maps)

Anyway, there's plenty to hack on farmland, we could all play with our knives...

[This message has been edited by not2sharp (edited 01 October 1999).]
The NYC show is creeping up fast (November 5-8)- How many Forumites will be there? I happened to meet Nakano at the last NYC show & he showed me a really great checkering job on the handles of a Dozier- Nice fellow. See what one can learn from our fellow Blade-Heads? Lots of little watering holes where we can zip off to & play show & tell. Could be fun- How 'bout it folks?

Runs With Scissors
AKTI# A000107