
Wow! I figured that the B13 would happen, but my thoughts were that it would either debut at Blade or that it would be the final O2W offering. I'm out of money so my O2W spending has slowed down, but I won't be able to sit this one out.
Just look at this beauty!

Here is a horizontal version logo of B13 concept in satin:
It will be nice if there is a choiless option but from what Jerry has said before I doubt it.

And thanks to all you hogs for your dedicated support to make this happen! :D
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Garth: Mr Busse!!...it appears a rabid virus has infected the pen...the hogs are foaming at the mouth an are fixin to chew through the fence!!!!! Jerry: Load the dart gun Garth!! I've formulated an antivirus.. it called "bolo13"
Garth: oh God Jerry!!!... they have gone mad..look that one has a tinfoil hat..!!!! Jerry: Ready!!! Aim!!!......
Totally New design that apparently does not resemble the above picture, Now I am really curious!!!
What's the earliest time of day the offering announcement has been made?
Just when i thought Anticipation cant get any higher, Jerry goes and says it looks totally different, now I REALLY cant wait to see it lol
Thank You Boss