Baby's first ER?

Nov 16, 2002
We are expecting our first baby to be born this May. We believe that we're going to have a daughter (though the ultrasound that could see the chambers of the heart couldn't see past kneecaps for some reason...), so, as an over-protective father-to-be, I must ask the fathers on this list:

Which Extrema Ratio would you get your daughter? I'm leaning towards a Golem with Tiger-tech. A folder would be more practical in New England, but I doubt I could safely store an ER folder and resist the urge to Brownie pop it.

Thanks in advance!
Get her a dreamy fixed blade and move someplace where it would be more useful. ;)

Us knife knuts are crazy folks. You're gonna have a daughter and buy her a knife before she's even born. That's . . . so bloody awesome, I can't even fathom it. :)
I'm scared when I DO have a kid it'll be a girl and I'll have to deal with guys like me showin' up to the front door/ leaping out the window...:mad: So I suggest you get her a Double edged Col. Moschin or T2000M :D Congratulations on your new bundle of joy... the baby I mean;)
Yeah, we're due in May and I'm so psyched. Maybe a T2000M and when she's a teen, I'll get her a Hideaway knife with a Mick Strider Nightmare grind and a jean jacket with a Lorena Bobbit backpatch. I don't want my little girl having a crush on a boy unless he loves her enough to risk going through life as a eunuch.
Just make sure you the Sharpmaker is bein' used "coincedentally" when he is pickin' her up...

"Well hello there son, What do you think of thirty degree bevel..."

Refer to the scene in Bad Boyz II where Martin Lawrence and Will Smith "Greet" the poor fella there to pick up the daughter... but with Extema Ratios...:D
It needs to be used for little girl stuff like trimming down jumpropes, cutting excess off cupcakes, cutting wildflowers, making fuzzsticks for kindling, chopping ice, skinning wild boars...

Y'know, little girl stuff.