Back from St Mary's and health report.

Mar 5, 1999
I guess the report is what you might expect. Guts major problem is they are wearing out. No cancer or disease of any kind could be detected.

Lungs, kidneys, heart, liver all damaged. Spine crooked enough to rate a disabled parking sticker (spondylolisthesis). Blood abnormal -- red corpuscles too big -- sign of a heavy drinker. And other ills that go along with 70 years of hard use.

Doc's advice. Take better care of yourself.

Boys, it's just part of the deal. If you keep living you're going to get old and worn out and there's nothing anybody can do about it. The only thing I'm going to do differently is start practicing again a brand of yoga I developed for personal use about 20 years ago when I was recovering from kidney surgery. It's a combo of serveral types of yoga and tai chi. I call it taiyoga. It works but I'm generally too lazy to do it but it's time. And I think I need to drink more Heineken.

I'm going to try to keep dancing the dance until my death day clicks up on the calendar. That's about the best any of us can do, I'd guess.

Thanks once again for all the prayers and kind consideration.
Uncle Bill, the fact that you're back, and well enough to give us your news, is fantastic. There was some amount of worry.

The fact that there is no cancer is kind of good, too.

Welcome home.
UB, do what you can to take care of yourself and don't let ANYTHING suck the life out of your day. Enjoy every moment that you can.

Your way. I'm in no position to tell you to cut down on a few heinikens. If I coulda, I woulda too.

What did they tell you to do about worn out guts? Roughage? Oats?

Worn out guts -- fiber, fluid, excercise, minimimize alcohol, smoking, coffee. I can do the first three.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
Worn out guts -- fiber, fluid, excercise, minimimize alcohol, smoking, coffee. I can do the first three.

You can stop eating the can after you finish your beer.:)

Its good to hear that everything went about as well as expected at the hospital (ie -- nothing absolutely catastrophic or anything).

I'm much younger, but my primary systems don't seem to be too happy with me when I'm too sedentary for too long either. The doctors advice sounds about right (I could only do the first three myself!).

I'm a taxi driver in Va Beach, VA, and I dread the winters here. They're completely useless and miserable! There's nothing to do outside! Its just blustery, wet, tedious and miserable and a suck-the-life-outta-you kind of WET COLD. There's no snow, there's nothing fun to do out there in the winter -- so everyone just stays home and drinks! (kinda like Wisconsin, too, for that matter, but at least there you had gobs of snow to keep things interesting, and there were plenty of intriguing things you could do in it when you wanted to). Can't wait for spring!

Then it'll be "Khuk season"! And I plan to be prepared for it in one fashion or another! Another fine season of crunching through the steaming jungles of the mid-Atlantic, chasing snakes and what-all. Fun!

Be well,


We're all going to seven out in the big crap game sooner or later.

Until then keep rolling them bones and give 'em hell.
Uncle Bill-- sorry to hear about your worn out guts, but glad to hear that the doctors didn't discover anything catastrophic. I hope that if I ever reach your age, my outlook on life is as good as yours.
OK. I you can only do the first three then do that and your yoga stuff is part of the one, that and your bicycle shoud suffice for the exercise. Each little bit helps.

Just hang in there Mr. Bill. there is a bunch of guys sure care about you and want to see you stick around as long as possible. In any event I will never forget how much you have helped me.
God Bless!! Semper Fi!
:) :)
glad to read your posts again

- do not drink, do not smoke, be aware not to get laid -

that will not prolong your life - but to you your life will seem endless :D

Glad you're back. Do your best to find the balance between enjoying life and extending it.
A Mexican stole my bike about a month back. Our senior trailer park is situated in the middle of a Mexican community -- many of them illegal. One of the first things the illegal does is steal a bike for transportation. I think mine is the third to go from the park. And, we lose a lot of other stuff left outside -- anything that can be used or sold. Thankfully, they have only burglarized one mobile home and have taken stuff from only 4 or 5 unclocked cars.

And for Pan -- Too bad the enlargement of my prostate does not extend to other associated organs. I might have ended my career being billed as the World's Oldest Porn Star.

glad to hear you're back.

hopefully your tai-yoga will bring you back into good condition.