Bad times for the Postal Carriers

Jan 10, 2001

Our older carrier has been through it before. When he sees me leering, leaning on the mailbox, he will stop, hand me the mail, and tell me to wipe my chin - no packages today. The young fella breaking in as his replacement still hasn't mastered "cool". He just throws the mail toward the driveway and hits passing gear. I think he finishes the rest of the street after dark. It will be worse this time - just ordered my first, a 12" Sirupati. Bill can't possibly ship before Monday, and it's already getting cold out here. Nice neighbor lady said she'd bring me coffee in the morning.
I see that you're a new owner, I don't remember seeing you post in this forum before so just in case you haven't; Welcome to the Cantina, the looniest place on earth.

The good news is that you'll get to know the new carrier and break him in very quickly. The bad news is that you'll do so because of all the Khkuris you'll be ordering after the highly contagious HIKV sets in.
Some debate the virus' very existence. But once you get that first khuk in your hand and start looking around the house for things you "don't really need and could probably sell for a good price" so that you'll have enough for that next size larger or mabey that special project, you'll know you're hooked. I'm sorry to say that it seems you're already exibiting the first sign; the near feverish anticipation of arrival. BTW if you have other knives in the house you're going to want to console them as they will feel neglected and insignifigant in a very short time.
I know, I know it's tough to come to grips with. But that, is why the Cantina is here. We're a pretty friendly bunch, even if we are a bunch of HIKV enablers
Thanks, Mac. I sorta stumbled in her after Yvsa. We share an interest in canes, and although I'm no martial artist, they do help keep the little kids at bay at the mall. I've lurked around here enough to catch the bug, for sure, and have noticed that several kamis have developed their own followers. I'll have to get caught up on their marks so I'll know who made my new baby. There seems to be a different level ofpeople in this forum. I've watched some groups

that appear to be on the right track, and then flare up over absolutely nothing and disintegrate. Everyone I've read in here seems to know the value of "picking at" vs. the pitfalls of "picking on". I'll hang around 'til the secretary of the treasury/war gets over her miff about two knives in one week, and start budgeting (or wheedling and begging) for another one. May be the only virus out there that causes casts and splints
I welcomed you in another post before I saw this one, slowly making my way down the page, So Welcome Again Bro.!!!!
(Guys and Gals, Walosi is another Cherokee if you hadn't guessed already. I will let y'all ponder over what Walosi means, but in Piaute it is Poohee, a little clue for my Bro Rusty, if I got it right?.

I'm glad you made it here and you nailed it down correctly. This is a great forum and as Uncle Bill says, "It's the Great people here that makes it a Great forum."
There has been a very, very few come here in the past that didn't wanna play nice and according to the unwritten rules.
Those kind tend not to stay around here long.
And that's without the viscious attacks that are sometimes seen in some of the other forums.
We're all here trying to build good karma or whatever else it may be called and that seems to help make things work.
If the world could be like the people in this forum we could do away with al the laws and other bs that we have to put up with now and everyone could appreciate true freedom.

And I know you're gonna be happy with your new Sirupati!!!!
Perhaps there might be a miniature GRS, Ganga Ram Special, in your future.

And I wonder how come no one has mentioned that before?
I mean after all there are 4 sizes of the very popular AK!!!
Let's see a 12", 15", the Baby GRS at 18" and the standard GRS at 20"-22" over all length.

I can just see my little Bro Rusty with a 12" GRS!!!!
That may even take the place of the little 12" AK that speaks to him of things best not spoken about!!


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Bro blood knows blood and can usually spot it a mile away.
They only thing is Terry cut off the part of himself that was Cherokee.

Just tzn.
It's kinda like the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma admiting those with one drop of blood that can prove it to the Dawes Rolls.
Ooops!! They get a nosebleed and there it goes.

Still tzn.

Inside jokes of the CNO about the blood quantum..


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Walosi, of the cane. What a coincidence. Yvsa, I've never heard you mention this before. I am currently studing the canemaster system trying soon to achieve rank of canemaster( highest ranking in the system)....wonder if you are familiar with this. Beautifully crafted canes, balanced and deadly. I believe the site is just in case you haven't visited before.


Byron I just recently got my canemasters cane.
It has 4 quad grips and the teardrop edge with sharks teeth 3/4 of the way from the bottom of the cane.
A far as the training I found I can't even do the warm up exercises in the video, `Introduction to the cane.'
But I can dayumed sure swing and poke with it.

I have carried and used a walking stick made from Oklahoma River Cane that's also an Indin Flute for a long time now.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Yep, both Yvsa and I are stick stalkers, as well as knife knuts. Like him, I'm very limited in wha strikes and moves I can make, but am working on those I can manage. I have a Triple Grip hickory heart that is till undergoing the tung oil treatment. My son retired in Feb. and is working his way up with the Canemasters ratings. He has already been welcomed into the dojo in the little NC town they settled in, to teach cane when he finishes his certifications. Both he and his little brother (now 39) have had ratings in Aikido and Shorenji Kempo from their younger days in Mpls. I only got to watch
Are you looking for the word "shillelagh" Uncle? I was under the impression that shillelagh weren't canes per se, but rather sticks that were weapons-oriented. Can any out there tell us more about shillelaghs?

Damn! are there any forums that you don't haunt?

I have a CaneMaster triple grip hickory heart with the "nast" hook. Carry it daily. I kind of balance mine with a 1/2" steel dowel in the end so that it swings with a nice rythem now.

I also made my own out of a hickory blank from Canemasters and finished it with pure tung oil.


Bremerton, Washington
The old Shillelagh were literally clubs. When "The Others" came, and collected all the weapons, the shillelagh was slimmed down a bit. They had always doubled as walking sticks. As all things became "kinder and gentler", the shillelagh became the Blackthorn Stick (from the same bush, just a more slender stalk) but could be used just as readily. Col. Charles Askins favored the blackthorn, among others. In one of his accounts, he tells of being approached on the street one evening by two lads with knives, soliciting a handout. He handed out one burst kneecap, one broken jaw, and one broken collarbone. Didn't say which stick he was carrying.
Welcome Walosi, if Yvsa brought ya you're ok by me!

You're gonna love that 12" sirupati! Rusty should be by soon to second that, he's got a bond with his that borders on obsession
just kidding Rusty! Seriously though, they are great "little" knives.

There's a link on Alliance Martial Arts' web page that relates to Irish stick fighting. Has a few drills in Flash movies (of a guy sparring with what looks to be his 12yo daughter).

I thought the shillelagh started out as an agricultural flail, for separating grain from chaff.
Not many Ron. I have way to much time on my hands

I love Blackthorn!!!! I believe the only thing that even comes close to it in this country is the Black Locust. The Black Locust dares you to even get clse enough to cut it wih its thorns which can be 4" long and seemingly tipped with something toxic since a small scratch from one is hard to keep from getting infected and if you're unlucky enough to have the tip of a small thorn break off in you then you get a new meaning of pain, anyway that's been my experience.


Indin word for lousy hunter.