Band of Brothers

Oct 9, 2003
I do not think of myself as a man. I think of myself as a spoiled child.
I DO however, think of you guys as men.
I admire and respect you.
It breaks my heart to see bad vibes between you.
For whatever part I played in that, I apologize once again.
I hope that you can all be friends again. (and so can we all)
Danny, you make jokes and wordplays, but you don't demean others when you do it. There is no spite in them.

The problems we are having are because some treat others without thinking, or belittle or disparage them. That's a no-no on this forum. When they treat others with respect and dignity, then they belong here. When they don't do so, they should do it elsewhere.

The things that really hold meaning to me are simple. What is simple, is hard to do well. I do as well as I can.

A person who demeans others is no brother of mine. Should he change, he will become welcome here again.