
Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998
I am proud to finally announce that the movie that I worked on a couple of years ago is finally coming out on DVD. Bandida's, starring Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz and Dwight Yoakam will be release on DVD this Friday. Pizza Hut is having some sort of promotion this week end. For those of you that were not in the lounge at the time, I went out to L.A. to train Salma for her part in the film. I taught her how to handle knives and how to throw them for the movie. After my time in L.A., I was flown to Mexico City and Durango, Mexico to work as a technical advisor on the set and to continue my training sessions with Salma. I also made all of the knives used in the movie, choreographed the throwing scenes for Salma and performed some of the actual throws for the movie. I have not been able to say much up until this point because I have been dealing with the studios, trying to get permission to use certain pics and such for an upcoming article in one of the mags. I promised them an exclusive and that is why I have not even shown the knives to anyone.
The movie was distributed in Europe and South America first and was released for limited distribution in September in the USA. Here is a link to the site which has the trailer and a few pics.

I hope you'll eventually be able to post some interesting (or horrific) stories about working with film crews...

...and I expect we'll see a film that finally gets throwing right.


Are you going to get any promo copies of the dvd? Or should I pick one up at Wal-Mart or something? Where will they be available?

Ralph Thorn
They should be out at the rental places this month. I got a promo copy from a friend in the business, but is was not the finished product. (no extra stuff on the back end)
My name comes up fairly quick in the credits. I'll let you know when I see one for sale. I'll probably buy a bunch at wholesale when the price comes down to give away with the collector set of knives that I'll be making.
Maybe I'll wait and try to swap you out of one of the way, those books I mailed should probably be there by now.

Sorry about using a public forum for this stuff; if you need to reply send me an email...

And congrats on the movie. It must be a combination of a thrill and a relief to finally get some finished dvds in your hands of work you did years ago. I know that feeling, but probably not on the scale you're experiencing it!

Is every single throw in the movie "real" ? If it is, this be the 1st known "real" knife throwing movie i will watch
Congrats on the movie. It sounds like alot of fun. I bet those actresses got a kick out of learning about knives, but perhaps not as much of a kick as you got from teaching them... People assume actors will be nasty, but i think they are just like the rest of us--some good and some bad. I'll be looking for the dvd.

nice movie. the actress's throwing movement are excellent indeed. Its sad that the DVD's bonus features doesn't have the training session :(
Getting to work with those two ladies sounds like fun work to me!!!
I just saw it at the Video store. I'll be renting it.
Come on Bobby, how bout some tales from the shoot. I seriously doubt any of those movie types will be viewing the blade forum. What's it like to work with movie stars?
Just rented it for this weekend. I'm a lucky SOB. Wife likes Selma, Penelope, and knives.

So, please tell me they are nice to work with. (I'm hoping)
Bobby Branton, you are my hero and represent all that is man. lol.
you got to hang with two of the hottest chicks on earth, and teach them to throw knives, thus making them even more amazing.
I will forever be jealous. I'll have to rent it, I saw it at the video store, but got a zaotochi I haven't seen *somehow* and decided I wanted to watch Seven Samurai again.

When I heard throwing was involved I thought the posters shoulda said, "getting killed by a throwing knife has never been so easy on the eyes."
I liked the movie but it was almost to well done. I was hoping for a little more cheescake. Teaching Salma to throw knives sounds like a dream I keep having.
The throwing was first rate and I thought when I watched it that it seemed very real as far as distance, spins,etc. I wanted a better shot of the knives.
Will you be selling them?
I saw Bandidas last night. Very entertaining flick!
I listened to the audio commentary track by Salma Hayak and Penelope Cruz during the throwing scenes. Salma talked about how much practice she put in learning to throw, but thought it was all for nothing because the big throwing scene near the end was computer generated (it was in super slow motion, with bullets visibly whizzing by.) Penelope reminded her that it wasn't wasted because her technique added realism to the scene. She was correct - you could tell that Salma really could throw, and it made the computer generated throws believable.

Only one disappointment - when I saw that the movie was rated PG-13 for brief nudity, I was hoping they were talking about Salma and Penelope, not the guy!