Bang for the Buck - Customs and Automatics

Feb 17, 2003
Dear fellow Knife Enthusiastics. I have added the love of knives to my list of hobbies. I have purchased manufactured knives such as Boker Damascus w/Pearl Handles, CKRT daily use knife, Linder Daggers etc. But would really appreciate anyone that can help me with researching as to who makes the Best factor knives in the world - PERIOD in automatic as well as manual. Also there seems to be a ton of 'custom makers' out there but I am trying to find out which ones produce great knives which are also great value. Above all ... TOUGH built and functionality as well as asthetically pleasing knives. Any help, links , etc. will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Mike Obenauf

Superb quality, superb value for money.

Tough & Functional?

My mini model 2 framelock is a little tank dressed in Porsche's clothing :)

Great value - cheaper than the same size Sebenza, plus I doubt there will be much depreciation of any.

OK, first, I have to say that for about $400, you cant beat a JW Smith tactical framelock, strong, with the fit and finish you would expect on a $2,000 knife, I really think he is a great value, and his tacticals are underrated. I cant recommend him highly enough. $400 is a small price to pay for absolute perfection IMO. To call his knives smooth and precise is an understatement. You just have to see it for yourself.

Also, i guess youre talking about folders, but Scott Cook makes a beautiful snakewood and damascus hunter fixed for a very reasonable price and the workmanship is also as good as it gets. I imagine his Lochsa folders are equally well made and thus a good value.

Another underrated maker is in my opinion, Aaron Frederick, while he does make some beautiful, $2,000 art knives, he also makes a lot of affordable tactical knives, and again, workmanship is as good as it gets, and he uses a thick, very well fit liner lock. I have one of his with a CF handle, blued damascus bolster and a hand rubbed recurve that is both beautiful, and yet very strong. If you want a strong tactical knife with a little flair to it, he is a good choice for about $400.

It goes without saying that Tom Mayo's framelocks are strong and extremely well made, but since the prices have recently skyrocketed, i dont know if his knives are a good "value" anymore. Of course one could argue that his knives are so good, theyre still a good value.

Flame away, but i honestly think that a large Chris Reeve Sebenza is a great value as well, strong as any knife made, fit and finish are absolutely perfect, and i feel for $300 or so, it does represent a good value. Especially if you pick one up on the secondary market for $250 or so.

Finally, another very strong and robust knife is the Strider SnG series, they are well made, extremely strong and well, just plain cool. At $400, i think i got my money's worth, and it has become my user.

Oops, forgot about autos. Well, as long as you wait a bit for the prices to drop, and drop they will :), i think some of the Microtech autos are a decent value. The LCC in particular is extremely well made and strong, and for $200 is an UNBELIEVABLE value. If you get an Ultratech for $300 or so, i think thats a decent value too. I dont care what anybody says, Microtech makes a very good knife.

On a different note, despite the price of $1700-$2000, many people think a DA auto from Charlie Dake is a good value, since i do own one, i can attest to the incredible workmanship and materials that go into one of his knives and i have seen custom autos costing a lot more that i dont think were any better, so i would say, that makes him a good value, albeit an expensive one.

And yes, of COURSE i recommend the knives i have chosen to buy and keep in my small collection, why would it be otherwise, i buy the knives that i firmly believe are a great value and if i end up thinking differently, i sell or trade it. So, am i biased, yes, but thats the nature of this sort of recommendation question. All i can do is tell you what I think are the best values, and of course this will be reflected in the knives i have chosen to buy.

So, there you have it, my choices for a good value in the custom/semi-custom tactical market.

PS. I would bet that Brad Duncan's knives are a good value too from what i have seen and heard, but not owning one, i cant say for sure, but maybe someone else can chime in on that. Also, i have never heard anything but praise for Obenaufs, but i dont yet own one.
MT makes the best in production auto's IMO and as far as custom auto's and folders go there is way too many good ones to just say one. Any knife that demands what your paid for it or more from the start will without doubt be very hard to come by, so there is no easy answer IMO to what's the best deal in custom auto's and folders.

In my opinion you can not get better value than the knives of Kit Carson. For a maker that is as good as he is and as popular, his prices are outstanding.

If you can get one, the knives of Mike Snody are also excellent value. I have owned three and they were as well made as any knife I have owned.

I really can't say anything about automatics, they are not legal to carry in Canada, but I would be willing to bet that you would be pleased with a knife from Brad Duncan.

Of course Mike Obenauf comes to mind whenever someone asks about tough folders at beyond reasonable prices. His knives offer great value.

Tom Anderson is another maker that has some absolutely stunning knives that are priced right. I love his Valkyr and Shrike models.

Some others that offer tremendous value in their knives are: Pat & Wes Crawford, Mel Pardue, Andre de Villiers, Brian Tighe, Darrel Ralph and Greg Lightfoot. I am sure there are many others as well.

I have owned or handled the knives of most of the makers above, excluding Brad Duncan and Andre de Villiers, and can personally recommend all the rest.
My opinion for best quality for price (I guess that means value):

Factory manuals: CRK Sebenza (hard to beat) Strider AR,
Camilus Cudda Maxx (D2e & Ti for $150!!)

Factory autos: Microtech LCC, Protech Magic
Factory fixed: Busse, SwampRat

Custom manuals: Kit Carson Model 4, Mike Obenauf, Chris Marlowe
Custom autos: Don't have no opinion.

Customs - Manual, based only on knives I have owned -

Carson - if you can find one. These are worth more than Kit charges. Les Robertson seems to have them now and again.

DeVillers - if you like flatter designs - his are great and reasonably priced. (Try

As stated, there are many, many good makers out there. Regardless of the debate as to whether a $2000 knife has more "bang" for the buck than a $400 knife - I think if we are simply talking dollars here - I would go with a knife that cost in the $375 - $450 range - there are plenty of choices out there.