BAS vs 16.5" WWII

Mar 7, 2002
This has probably been addressed before, but for the experts on the forum. Besides 1.5 inches in length, what are the differences in handling, chopping, weapon suitability, balance, etc. between the BAS and the 16.5" WWII. Is is mainly just cosmetic?
It could be just the WW11 that I own, but the "arc" in the blade is different than my BAS. The BAS is shorter, perhaps better balanced. I Think my BAS would be a better all around performer. My WW11 feels more like a fighter. A bit "tip" heavy in my hand, not as good of "swing" control for brush clearing. The BAS is a better "field" tool/fighter.

Just my opinion.
Then again in my opinion comparing a BAS to a WWII is like putting a boy scout knife up against a Swiss Champ. :D :D :D

With all them new tobacco taxes, I see it's gotten cheaper to smoke that wacky-terbaccy instead, ainnit? Just tzn! ;) ;) ;)

I been thinking on finding out from that NDN which of the old timey varities of tobacco were the strongest ( he claims they were next to hallucinogenic ) and mebbe do a little growing, and then selling at the farmers markets. Or better yet, the Gun shows. Maybe I should also sell different size stills. Do it all legal like and give the ATF ( Alcohol, Tobacco tax, and Firearms ) all three parts of their name to have conniptions over and chase after. Just like a dog chasing it's tail - whattcha gonna do when you catch it?

Probably time to take my medications. I'm havin' too much fun for it to be legal.
There's nothing like having it in your hand...

Get both.

Then, after you have mastered one more than the other, come back and tell us...we could all learn from your individual experience.

Consider this:

When the BAS came (my first - and probably many other's first - HI product) I couldn't believe how large and heavy it was.

I have now found that I'm outgrowing the 20" AK and am longing for a 22" GRS...

It deserves repeating:

There's nothing like having it in your hand...
