Basic 5

Feb 5, 2000
I am a new member of this forum, so pelase excuse my ignorace of past disscussion on this subject. I have been in contact with a couple of distributors in the past few days, and--besides saying "no got" in reagard to a Basic 5--there was an involved tale essentially saying that when they are "gottable" again they won't have the Krydex sheath.

First of all, when will the Basic 5 or 7 be in general distribution again? Will they have Krydex sheaths? And this seems to be the best place to ask if there is a Basic 5 available for sale out there? If so, where?

Welcome to the forum! Andy Prisco is the man who can answer all these questions, but I've been talking to him so I can try and help. The Basic line should be available again in a month or so, although Andy may have some sooner. The kydex sheaths are being replaced with leather sheaths, although kydex will still be available to purchase seperately. Either the #5 or #7 will be a great purchase if you want a well-bade, extremely comfortable, incredibly strong, scary sharp knife. Can you tell I like 'em?

"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav'n"
John Milton
There are only two types of people; those who understand this, and those who think they do.
This my first time also Dennis. I just ordered a BS-5 with a kydex sheath and cordura sheath last week from Blue Ridge Knives. It should be here in a couple of days. They also have a BS-7 with kydez sheath and cordura sheath. They had several in stock. Good luck
